
in awakening •  5 years ago 


My actual name is John Lumiere-Wins. I have written my whole life and published very little to date. I have, perhaps foolishly, been waiting until I was sufficiently clear that I knew what I put out could be helpful and would not be damaging. Whether I am clear enough at this point will be judged by you.

The manifest forms of insanity distorting our world compel me to offer some things I have written in the hopes that they will assist you in increasing your own clarity and empowerment.

I am only interested in one thing; however, since that one thing is the awakening of our human species of consciousness out of our deluded state of reification and separation and into the shared, silent ground of our shared oneness, it is a large topic.

In essence it is simply a shift in identity out of our conditioned mind-frame and into our natural state. However, thus far, it hasn't been easy of quick for those among us who've found ourselves choosing this path. It does become easier as more of us come into alignment. May it be much easier for you!

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