An Asian traditional, holistic system of medicine that talks about heathy,unhealthy, happy and unhappy life. The word Ayurveda is itself a vague topic which is made of two words "ayu" means life and "veda" means science or knowledge . So Ayurveda is science of life.
The main aim of ayurveda is to preserve the health of a healthy person and to cure the disease of diseased person.
To make it simple it has been divided into 8 parts that is also known as Astanga Ayurveda.
- Kaya cikitsa (general medicine )
- kaumarvritya(paediatrics)
- Graha(Bhootvidya)
4)Shalakya(Ear,Nose,Throat,Dentistry,Ophthalmology,head) - Shalya(Surgery)
- Agadtantra(toxicology)
- Rasayan(Rejuvination)
- Bajikaran(Aphrodisiac)
Different kinds of herbs,minerals and animal products are used as medicine in Ayurveda.
There is two system of treatement in Ayurveda. - Saman (pacifying the aggravated dosha)
2)Sodhana(purification or detoxification process)
Ayurveda is based on three basic principles. Vata(air+space)
kapha(Earth +water)
So health is a balanced state of all dosha, dhatu,mala,agni and sense organs and soul.