Baby Sleep Miracle

in babysleep •  3 years ago 

Each Year Thousands Of Mothers Regulate Their Child's Sleeping Pattern Holistically
For the first time child psychologist and clinical researcher reveal how they do it!
Using simple and customized steps that work for any baby.

The Most Common "Bedtime Mistake" Which Keeps Your Little One From Sleeping
Over 45% of parents do this wrong - are you one of them?
Discover a better alternative right in this free presentation.

How To Give Your Child Restful Sleep By Emptying His "Emotional Backpack"
Using an easy technique recommended by Dr. Laura Markham.
Most astonishing: It can even improve your own health!

The Counter-Intuitive Reason Why Your Child Sleeps Best In A Noisy Environment
Plus the only one noise proven to help him or her doze off peacefully.
Proven in a little-known study done by the Queen Charlotte's Hospital in London


Samantha Higgins · Oakland, FL

Thank you so much for this video! I had no idea about the dangers of baby swings

Regina Willburth · Worcester, UK

Hi Mary-Ann. I have a question: Is method in any way similar to the ones recommended by Dr Bucknam, Dr. Weissbluth or Dr. Karp? We tried those but none of them help

Mirella Cruz · El Paso, TX

This method really works! I tried it on my son Jesus and after just one week he went from waking up more than 5 times a night to waking up just once or twice. You are a lifesaver, Mary-Ann

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