Love to take pictures? Learn Basic Photography Tips Shortcuts!(Part-2)

in bacic •  5 years ago 

Here is the last part:

  1. List photo type
    Make a list of what kind of pictures you want to take. Try to pick them up.

What kind of picture is of interest to you? Portrait, Street Photography, Fashion Photography or Bird Photography?


Suppose you want to do bird photography. In that case you must first list the bird type or your subject.
Then you need to list the type of photo you took. You can also take pictures of birds in the forest and you can also take pictures of birds at home.

When you are not with the camera, take more notes such as where is the light coming from towards the subject? At what time of day are the lights available? Etc.

  1. Start with a picture of a single object
    Start with a single object / subject first. If there is only one subject in the frame of the camera, it is understandable to everyone, no matter how simple the picture is.


  1. Realize learning
    There is no end to learning. Photography is like an ocean. You can't finish as much as you learn.

As long as you try to learn with interest, you will learn something new.

Watch photography journals, movies or documentaries every day.


This will increase your knowledge of photography as well as increase interest.

  1. Take a free photography course
    You will find many free courses on photography online. Try to do those.

If you do the course, your knowledge will mature. You will remember the details that will come in handy later in the photo shoot.

Join different photography groups. Communicate with more people, exchange information.

There are many groups and pages on social media like Facebook where you will find many tips.


8.Learn about using a DSLR camera
Be it expensive or cheap - get to know your camera well in advance. Find the button, settings, feature details.

You can never take good pictures without knowing the camera.

You can't even take a picture in a hurry without mastering the camera. A lot of times you have to take a shot in a hurry because the appropriate moment may not last long.

You can miss a lot of good pictures if you don't have shortcut settings or button nails.


  1. Learn basic photography tips
    First take some basic tips. You will find lots of basic details online. Digital Photography School is one of them. You will find a wide range of topics from basic to advanced in this website.


  1. Take regular pictures
    Make regular photography a habit. The more pictures you take, the more you will be able to catch your mistake.

Remember the words of the famous photographer Henry Cartier Bresan-

“Your First 10,000 Photographs are your worst”

-Henri Cartier-Bresson

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