How to Soothe Our Digestive System and Keep It Healthy Naturally?

in banana •  7 years ago 


Image Courtesy - Scienceya

An upset stomach can cause havoc to your body while giving rise to many other ailments. Life is stressful and so, we end up eating late, get less sleep, consume junk food and so on. This only messes up our digestive system.

A healthy stomach gets that much-needed glow on your face along with lots of positive energy. So, we must focus on getting a healthy digestive system naturally and by just making a few lifestyle changes. Let’s see how..

Eat the Right Foods


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Adding probiotics to your diet such as yoghurt. The good bacteria present in the yoghurt aids in digestion help keep you off from infections and reduce chronic inflammation.

Thanks to the pectin in the bananas, these underrated fruits are easy to digest and helps in bowel movements.

While papaya is good to treat constipation, ginger soothes the intestinal tract, reduces bloating and heartburn with its inflammatory properties.

Fennel seeds and cumin seeds are a great alternative to remove gas and bloating.

Change the Way You Eat

Make sure that you just focus on your eating while you are having your breakfast, lunch or dinner because these are the three main meals. Switch off your television sets and place your phone on silent and create that relaxed environment with bare minimum disturbance. Chew your food properly while feeling its look and taste and avoid eating when in a bad mood. Chewing your food properly lowers the impact on your digestive system.

Stay Hydrated

This is extremely crucial for a well-functioning digestive system. Drink enough water that will help you digest the solid foods and absorb the right nutrients. Not having enough water will dehydrate your body leading to constipation and fall in the blood pressure.

Therefore, you must drink at least 80 ounces of water per day. But, make sure that you drink water between the meals and not with the meals to prevent stomach acid dilution that is important for best digestion.

Avoid Gas Formation

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No, it’s about the fizzy drinks but it’s about avoiding food like beans, pulses or root vegetables that are known to cause bloated stomach. While these foods are good and low in calories, you can try them in form of salads such as salad leaves with tomatoes to avoid the bloating.

Increase the Stomach Acid

Less of stomach acids means the more your stomach has to do the manual digestion part which takes more time and causing some food to remain undigested for long. This will lead to the fermentation of the food and thereby, causing increased pressure leading to gas and bloating.

Drink lemon water in between meals or consume a teaspoon of raw apple cider vinegar in half a cup of water before meals. You must also chew your food properly that is, till it becomes fine enough.

Digestive problems are a gift of the modern times to the mankind and all thanks to the stressful lifestyle and erratic schedules. Making some quick modifications to our lifestyle can ensure healthy stomach and a healthy body naturally helping you stay active for long.

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