Pencuri Motor Ini Beri Tips Agar Kontak Motor Tidak Mudah Dijebol || Motorcycle Thief This Give Tips To Contact Motor Not Easy Destroyed

in bandarlampung •  7 years ago 



BANDAR LAMPUNG --Fadli Irwansyah alias Porong (41), pelaku pencurian sepeda motor, mengaku kapok berurusan dengan pihak kepolisian dan menyatakan bertobat serta berjanji tidak akan mengulang perbuatannya.
Residivis kasus narkoba yang dipenjara 20 bulan pada tahun 2010 itu, kembali ditangkap polisi pada Minggu (1/10) karena sudah lebih dari 10 kali mencuri sepeda motor menggunakan letter T dengan cara merusak kunci kontak.
Akibat perbuatannya itu, tersangka dihadiahi timah panas di betis kir nya. Kini tersangka hanya bisa meringis kesakitan sambil menunggu proses hukumnya berjalan.
Fadli mengaku kapok dan bertaubat. Dia pun membeberkan tips agar motor aman dari pencurian yang merusak kunci kontak sepeda motor.
Menurut Fadli, bagi warga yang hendak memarkirkan kendaraannya, selain menggunakan kunci pengaman lain, hendaknya mengunci stang sepeda motor di belokkan ke kanan.
Selama ini kebanyakan masyarakat membelokkan stang motor ke kiri kemudian mengunci stang. Hal itu cukup mudah untuk dirusak. Namun jika dibelokkan ke kanan kemudian dikunci stang akan menyulitkan pelaku kejahatan menjebol kontak.
"Kalau dibelokkan ke kanan, ngerusak kunci stang nya susah, kebanyakan tidak bisa, karena ada yang ngeganjel. Gitu caranya," ujar Fadli.


BANDAR LAMPUNG - Irawansyah Fadli alias Porong (41), the perpetrator of motorcycle theft, admitted kapok dealing with the police and claimed to repent and promised not to repeat his actions. The drug-prison residents, who were jailed for 20 months in 2010, were again arrested by police on Sunday for more than 10 stealing motorcycles using letter T by damaging the ignition key. As a result of his actions, the suspect was rewarded with hot tin in his kir calf. Now the suspect can only wince in pain while waiting for the legal process to run. Fadli confessed and rebuked. He also disclose tips for the motor safe from theft that damage the ignition of the motorcycle. According to Fadli, for residents who want to park their vehicles, in addition to using other safety locks, should lock the motorcycle handlebar in the right turn. During this time most people turn the handlebar motor to the left then lock the handlebar. It's pretty easy to tamper with. However, if it is deflected to the right then locked handlebar will make it hard for criminals to break into contacts. "If it is deflected to the right, damaging the handlebar key is difficult, most can not, because there is a ngeganjel, that's how," said Fadli.

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