Horses are magic!

in barn •  last year 


When I moved to this place, going on nine years ago now, I had two rescue horses, a former race horse, Amazing Grace, and a small and older Morgan male, named Solo, which were living on my place at the time, on a small farm in NCA. I boarded them for a few months when I moved up here, as the barn and pasture were built. A couple of years later, I re-homed them. I have really messed up knees, both horses were healthy, and needed a purpose in life. I loved them both.

The pasture got pretty overgrown with weeds, I mean many feet tall of them, and I had to get it all weed whacked down every spring. I thought about renting it as a boarding place, but I no longer wanted that responsibility. So the weeds grew.

Then, through the grapevine, I found a rent-paying housemate, and she was such a really perfect housemate for me, I have been reticent to even try to find another. She was here for four years, but no, we didn't leave under any bad circumstances. Her family needed her back in Michigan.

But she has a foster sister, who just happens to live just down the hill from me, and she had brought two range horses here from North Dakota, Handsome, the sire, and his daughter, Princess. I built that barn and pasture for rescues! They have been here now for a few years. Their owner comes and goes each day and takes care of them and feeds them. Even during the harsh, wet, muddy and windy winters, she tells me, they are my therapy. I hope she won't mind my sharing that.

This evening, I was sitting on the deck, looking down at the barn. The horses apparently were down in the bottom pasture. It was dusk. I was barefoot. I still have bad knees, and walking inclines can mess me up the next day (LOL) but, I guess I felt like a little "grounding". So, I walked barefoot down the lawn to the front pasture gate. Neither of the horses were in sight. I spent a couple of minutes calling to them, even tried a few whistles that I am pretty bad at, and eventually, they appeared, Handsome first, and then Princess.

They both came to me, and even Handsome, usually standoffish (and I think maybe easily bored with humans) came right up into my face and let me kiss his nose and stroke him.

Princess hung around quite awhile, nibbled my face, chewed a bit on my hair, and even nibbled my barefoot toes when I stuck them under the gate. And I got my horse endorphin fix!

Voila, the beautiful Princess. And, voila to intention and how magical it can be.

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