Mexican Cartels have the moral high ground over the U.S. and I am safe living around them. You are too.

in barry •  9 years ago  (edited)

Mexican cartels are more moral and much safer to live around than the American government. You must first understand the cartels are a government and not a gang of thugs. They control the drug market in Mexico just like the DEA controls the drug markets in the U.S. Just as the DEA is not a "gang" neither are the cartels. Both governments are guilty of immoral acts but in a morality contest, the Americans embarrassingly lose.

(Continue reading then watch the eight-minute video I posted above. I discuss this article and buying and selling drugs in Mexico.)

Through propaganda, the U.S. government has purposely painted a bias and unfair picture of the cartels. The purpose of the propaganda is to scare Americans and make the world believe the cartels are responsible for the drug problems and violence in the United States.

When using the Non Aggression Principle as a morality gauge, we know it is not immoral to deal drugs, sell weapons or smuggle cash. We also know it is immoral to use force unless in self-defense. The cartels are not the only government guilty of gruesome beheadings during war-time. The U.S. military and American police forces have a reputation for torturing and murdering millions of humans around the globe.

It is immoral to punish others with force while committing the same acts. Evidence proves the U.S. government is guilty of this immoral and cruel hypocrisy. It is a known fact the American government smuggles and sells large quantities of drugs. One example is the infamous Iran/Contra affair. The scandal involved Ronald Reagan using his "cartels" (the DEA and CIA) to smuggle tons of cocaine into the United States. Reagan used the coke money to support the Contra rebels in Central America.

While the American drug lord was selling more powder than Tony Montana, he ordered the arrest and imprisonment of millions of mothers, fathers, sons and daughters for possessing the cocaine that he trafficked into their neighborhoods. During his violent and dark humanitarian crime spree, his wife launched a national campaign that taught American children how to avoid her husband's product by "just saying no."

In comparison, the Mexican cartel government does not arrest, cage or imprison their citizens for using drugs. I live in Mexico and we all feel one hundred percent safe using drugs. While there are over 50,000 S.W.A.T. style drug raids each year in the United States, Mexicans do not conduct house raids unless you are selling drugs. The cops will take a small fee if they catch you using drugs in public but you are free to do whatever you want in your own home. Since the cartels have the entire drug supply and sentence rogue drug dealers to harsh beatings or death, it is unnecessary to raid homes because no one is brave enough to cross that line.

Mexican authorities rarely make traffic stops and it's even more rare for them to search you auto. In comparison, thousands of Americans are arrested each month after being targeted for drug searches under the guise of committing a traffic violation.

Another reason cartels have been demonized is to scare Americans so they will stop vacationing in Mexico. The U.S. economy is struggling so instead of spending billions of vacation dollars in Mexico, their rulers want Americans to vacation in crime-ridden spots such as Florida, California, Arizona and Hawaii.

The reason Mexican cartels win in a morality contest is because unlike the American cartels, Mexican cartels allow their citizens to be free from the fear of being kidnapped and tortured in a cage for using drugs.

Forgive me if I sound like I hate Americans because I don't. I hate their government. I have nothing but love for my American brothers and sisters. I long for the day I can visit my country again but at the moment, I have warrants for my arrest.

If I offended you, please don't penalize me by forgetting to upvote and follow me. Even if this information hurt your feelings, I deserve your love because I had the balls to tell you the truth.

I promised to always keep it real with you and I can't unknow what I know. Upvote me and follow me please. I need your support.

After publishing edit: Upon reading my post, some commentors interpreted this article as me "admiring" the cartels. I don't "admire" the cartels because they use violence. I made that clear by explaining their immorality. I do like the cartels and prefer their way of governing compared to the rest of the world's governments. And I do respect them for protecting and not caging their own citizens.

About the author: Barry Cooper

"You may have seen him on the pages of Maxim, or during one of his many appearances on CNN, Fox News and Spike TV. He’s the cop who turned against the drug war. In American pop culture right now, there’s nobody quite like him. As one of the former top drug cops working the Texas highways, he was ferocious, bringing down hundreds of people for possessing even tiny amounts of an illegal substance.In his new life as an anti-prohibition crusader and activist filmmaker, he’s just as ferocious, but now it’s his former colleagues in law enforcement who are sweating his intimidating gaze…Cooper is on a mission to free America’s pot prisoners and take down the abusive cops he once sought to emulate. In the terminology of war, Barry is an insurgent, lobbing bombs into the fourth estate as his form of penance for all the people he put behind bars on drug offenses.” —True/Slant

Barry Cooper has received global attention by being reported in over 700 newspapers and magazines including Rolling Stones, High Times, a feature in Maxim Magazine and a front cover feature in Cannabis Culture Magazine and the Texas Observer. He has been a guest on numerous radio shows and every cable news channel including MSNBC Tucker Carlson, FOX Geraldo At Large, ABC I Caught, NBC Mike and Juliet Morning Show and NPR’s, This American Life. He has also appeared as drug and legal expert in five episodes of SPIKE TV’s reality show, MANSWERS. Barry recently starred with Woody Harrelson, 50 Cent, Eminem and Susan Sarandon in the anti drug war documentary, “How To Make Money Selling Drugs.” The movie features Barry freeing prisoners.

“Barry was even better than he says he was. He had a knack for finding drugs and made more arrests and more seizures than all of the other agents combined. He was probably the best narcotics officer in the state and maybe the country during his time with the task force.” –Tom Finley, Commander Permian Basin Drug Task Force

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You know what Barry? I was apprehensive of your legitimacy when you came onto the site and had told your story about being a Narc.

But after reading this.. Even if you are still a fed at the very least you've got some soul left in ya. Nice to see in a government man.

Barry hasn't been a government man in quite a while. I think it's best to judge people by their actions and their statements. Barry's actions and statements have been consistent for quite a while now. While he was a cop, of course, he was grossly inconsistent, as he himself readily admits.

I've slightly disagreed with Barry on strategy and tactics before, but not on his stated goals. I consider him to be a purely benevolent person. I think if you fully explore his many offerings on the web, you'll come to a similar conclusion, but I could be wrong.

And, of course, this comment comes with the caveat that nobody should ever be fully trusted, because all cybernetic systems are capable of dishonesty and capturing nodes in less-powerful systems.

That said, I've never seen Barry act like a Fed.

Thanks Jacob. I have only been here two weeks so my long standing fans have not arrived yet. I'm glad you have. Big love.

A little song about El Chapo

Go Barry

Thanks for your insights Barry. They're always thought provoking. The spin of the media reminds me of Twain, who said something like,
If you don't read the paper, you're uninformed. If you do read it, you're misinformed.
He couldn't have imagined the media circus we have today.

Keep up the struggle, this can't go on forever

Wondered what became of you, Barry. Now I know and am glad you are doing well and still educating the masses.
For those of you who are not familiar with Barry Cooper, check out his many videos on YouTube.

Thanks for the shout out @buckkracker. Glad to be back in touch with you.

We should not admire the cartels in any way. Violence is anti-NAP and disgusting. People should have the right to buy AND sell drugs. However, you are right to compare the US government to the cartels because they are indeed immoral.

@porcupine305 I am a student and strict follower of NAP. I don't "admire" the cartels because they use violence. I made that clear by explaining their immorality. I do like the cartels and prefer their way of governing compared to the rest of the world's governments. And I do respect them for protecting and not caging their own citizens. Big love to you though. I'm glad you are a NAPer.

Sounds to me like you're applying the NAP to the messy reality we're living in. This messy reality we live in must account for war(both cybernetic and physical) between multiple evils. Cybernetic war(war governed by cybernetic principles) is often called "politics" if it remains nonviolent or mostly-nonviolent. Hence the statement, "Politics is war by other means." I believe this is true.

The outcome of politics is often a bland, immense blanket of highly-localized oppression or "localized threat of aggression" resulting in a tyranny that induces people to act against their own self-interest. Historian RJ Rummel (RIP) gathered a ton of data indicating that totalitarian repression resulting in democide has killed and harmed far more people than outright war. See:

In asking whether the US government or the cartels are more evil, I'd have to say that they are both roughly equivalent, because they are cybernetic systems that mutually-strengthen each other. However, the most morally-culpable party is the U.S. voter and willing taxpayer.

As Thoreau said:
"A minority is powerless while it conforms to the majority; it is not even a minority then; but it is irresistible when it clogs by its whole weight. If the alternative is to keep all just men in prison, or give up war and slavery, the State will not hesitate which to choose. If a thousand men were not to pay their tax-bills this year, that would not be a violent and bloody measure, as it would be to pay them, and enable the State to commit violence and shed innocent blood. This is, in fact, the definition of a peaceable revolution, if any such is possible. If the tax-gatherer, or any other public officer, asks me, as one has done, "But what shall I do?" my answer is, "If you really wish to do anything, resign your office." When the subject has refused allegiance, and the officer has resigned his office, then the revolution is accomplished. But even suppose blood should flow. Is there not a sort of blood shed when the conscience is wounded? Through this wound a man's real manhood and immortality flow out, and he bleeds to an everlasting death. I see this blood flowing now."

I never saw it that way because of the propaganda lambasted onto our tv sets. I did know that the CIA, DEA and the US Government corporation shipped all the drugs here. People think the troops are in Afghanistan for oil. Ha! Black tar is why they are there. Oil is the biggest scapegoat. Herion production there is at 140% of what it was before the US went there. They burn down the marijuana fields and make the land owners switch to poppies. Thanks for the insight. Keep the peace rollin!

Thanks for this unconventional post. I believe that if US citizens would not consume illegal drugs, there would not be Mexiccan cartels.

You are very welcome. Can I please add some knowledge to make your comment accurate. Humans will always use drugs whether they are illegal or not. It's not the use of drugs that produced the cartels. It's the prohibition of drugs that created the cartels and placed them in power. Legalize drugs and the cartels will evaporate. Does that make sense to you? I hope I explained it well enough for you to understand.

Yes! It makes a lot of sense.

Not true. Most of the US heroin comes from occupied Afghanistan. And do you think drugs are illegal for your protection? A friend I grew up with's dad used to run cocaine from South America. He got caught with 13 kilos of pure at his million dollar house. He spent one year in the infirmary at the prison, then went back to his million dollar house and kept on keepin on, but with a new boss. The DEA. Yes most drugs are bad when abused, but what your doctor perscribes is far more dangerous when taken correctly. Look at all the mass shootings, they have one thing in common, each and every mass shooter was on some kind of perscription for anxiety and depression. Those are legal drugs and they are rotting our society.

you wrote: "Those are legal drugs and they are rotting our society."
I disagree: The society has been rotted by improper government schooling in the area of History, Economics, Law, and Philosophy. Terrible patented molecules that have to compete on level playing field (a field that contains absolute freedom of speech) are simply out-competed immediately by safer, better alternatives. Want someone to blame for the death-dealing patented synthetic molecules pushed by licensed doctors? Blame the licensing of medicine, its separation from biological teaching, and the ~ten-year "begging for permission from the FDA" before any medical treatment can be marketed.

The turn-around time for medical cures is days or weeks, given even Narrow AI of "machine learning." ...But we're still in the primitive paradigm of "surplus order" or "surplus government." (As well as "untargeted or improperly-targeted government.")

Totalitarianism is the problem, not bad drugs. Only totally free information markets are good at deciding which drugs are optimal.

I highly recommend the following videos on proper medical treatment:

Stephen Badylak on regenerative medicine:

Kurzweil on medicine:

(Also HIGHLY recommend his book "Fantastic Voyage")

"Are people dying needlessly because of all these bureaucracies and rules? And what if we say fuck you, and do it anyway?" Josiah Zayner of on DIY CRISPR kits.

Deceased Founder of Cambrian Genomics, Austen Heinz:

Give freedom! Weapons can be worn, and drugs not? This government has gone mad!

Interesting perspective on the situation. Western propaganda would have us believe that our western "democracies" are the safest, and least corrupt. Simple observation shows that to be untrue, in many regards. Always good to get testimony from those in the know.

Thanks for noticing and being able to accept the truth. That's a sign of intelligence.

Its like trying to decide the lesser of two evils. So both are inherently immoral. I would not want to live around Mexican cartel members. They won't imprison you if you cross them, they will cut you in half with a chainsaw. At least if I get caught with drugs by by the FED I might get out alive. Organised criminal gangs are not to be justified in anyway, be it government gangsters or mafia gangsters. Both seek to unbalance for greed and power.

I didn't justify either government in my post. In fact, I admitted the immorality of both. That said, I lived in the U.S. and now I live among the cartel. I can testify that although your statement may be sincere, it's absolutely unfounded and wrong. It's much safer to live around cartels than U.S. cops. Every 8 hours an American cop kills a citizen. That's not happening here.

There are more kills from mafia than cops for sure. You just don't here about it. Nothing is absolute. Its about ones own relative and subjective experience. Your perception is that government is worse than mafia. Whereas my perception is that mafia are worse. I think most would agree with me too. Mafia exist only to exploit material and power gains, whereas most police have positive agenda to help people and attend to peoples needs actively. This is obvious. So please don't be so quick just to say someones opinion is wrong when really I was more correct than yourself. With your attitude and perceptions I would say you are part of the mafia. There is no other reason why you would say what you do.

@onesunbeingnow have you lost your mind. First, you are acting as if the cartels are a mafia. They are not a mafia. They are a government. Also, in this post I was comparing the entire U.S. government to the Mexican cartels. I was not comparing only the American police to the Mexican cartels. However, the American police have killed more Americans than were killed during the entire Iraq war. That's significant. The U.S. government has murdered millions more than the cartel so you are wrong. Most people would not agree with you because the evidence shows I'm right. Only bias persons such as government employees and those who believe cable news is real would agree. "Police having a positive agenda" to help people is the most ridiculous comment I have heard all year. As a former drug cop, one of the best in the nation, I can tell you that cops don't give a shit about the public. All they care about is making arrests and making money for their departments. Finally, accusing me of being in the mafia is ad hominem and so far from the truth, I'm embarrassed for you. I have been investigated and reported by every major news source in the world. I am continually monitored by the police for my activism. If I were in the mafia, I would have already been in prison. I absolutely certain you are bias because you are a cop or you are married to one. Go fuck yourself for that accusation and stay off my blog. Weirdo.

Listen. Cartels have killed more and have no positive impact on society. Fact. Sure police do a lot of bad things, but at least they do help people more than any cartel ever would. This is simple and true. Sorry if you cant see that.

I don’t like to get personal. Because then it just gets negative and you get lost in your own mind. I like to have fun and be free. But to be frank I don’t care who you think you are or your story, I have the same view toward myself. We are all entitled to our opinion, and I happen to think my perception it’s a very reasonable and obviously true one.

Also it would be nice if you weren’t so aggressive and abusive too. As my mafia statement was a joke anyway. Acting like that really discredits you entirely. You shouldn’t take things so seriously. If you are serious you may as well be dead already.


btw @onesunbeingnow, with your attitude and perceptions I would say you are part of the government.... and there is nothing more immoral than that.

Government stands for govern your mental capacity. So yes I am the government because I choose how my mental capacity is governed. I don't let it be governed by some imaginary idea of a 'outside government'. My life is perfect. I have no use for a fearful and negative idea about some spooky controlling government groups who somehow affect my life. That is insane. I would rather take full responsibility for my world by knowing that I create my world around me. As the correct answer when I ask the question "where is the world right now?" is: inside my imagination. As each person wakes up to the idea of self-governance the ideas of government and anarchism will become forgotten.

Mafia only exists BECAUSE of government. Without government, there would be no need for mafia who profit from getting "illegal" plants to paying, voluntary customers. So, your preference of govt over mafia only just makes mafia exist. If you and others had no desire for government, or stopped bowing to them (there is no difference between mafia and govt except size) then we'd have neither govt nor mafia and we'd have a world of peace and prosperity like we've never known it.

hahaha you really believe that huh...very funny indeed...we would still have organised gangs who exploit others without something we today know as government. There will always be some story about such things. Anarchist are funny. Naive and funny.

Correction: The mafia as they exist today only exist because of the improper, illegitimate government we have today.

As Frederick Bastiat wrote in "The Law" there would still be a "government," but it would be infinitesimal compared to its current size, and it would solely concern itself with sociopaths who were guilty (or seemingly guilty, prior to the proper jury trial) of force and/or fraud (coercion: the initiated realistic threat of force or initiated, non-retaliatory force itself).

Voluntaryists don't oppose government. They just want smarter government; ie: self-governance in the voluntary sphere. Does every government today fall so far short of this standard as to make abolition of all governance a viable interim goal? Sure. A good case could be made for that. Historically, this places me alongside Emma Goldman, Thoreau, and Lysander Spooner.

BTW: Spooner was not an anarchist. He was an abolitionist, a libertarian, and a minarchist. The same is true of Bastiat and Thoreau.

Government is an immune system, only. When it is disordered, the republic dies, the same way a human dies when infected with AIDS or any other auto-immune disorder. The current government we have is like AIDS or cancer. But that doesn't mean that immune systems are bad. They're only bad when they have nothing in common with, or "are the opposite of," the best version of themselves.

Note: I'm a voluntaryist libertarian who is agnostic in the pointless (unresolvable) debate over re-labeling the pattern-found-in-nature that is sometimes called "anarchy" and sometimes called "minarchy,"depending on one's Historical and Scientific education level. So I can interface with people who inconsistently defend the American idea as considered by the Founders, I often call myself a "minarchist," much as Eliezer Yudkowsky does (although perhaps I'm more radical than he is).

Because the chain doesn't go any deeper, this reply is to the onesunbeingnow post directly below your post.

onesunbeingnow is right that sociopathy would still exist, as would organized sociopathic criminal entities. However, they would only be a small fraction as powerful under a proper, western government. This is because they currently have ("income derived from risk avoidance in supplying vices" + "income derived from direct theft/extortion") whereas under a just government, they would only have "income derived from direct theft/extortion." Even a simpleton can see that "income derived from risk avoidance in supplying vices" is vastly, vastly, vastly greater than "income derived from direct theft/extortion."

This is why we need a "downvote" button. Of course, here's a clarification of your comment: The police in the USA are criminals. After all, they meet the formal definition: they initiate force to steal property of people who have not, and never will be, found guilty by a proper jury of a valid, 2-part "corpus delicti." With no valid, 2-part "corpus" (same referent as in the term "habeas corpus"), the accused, even if found guilty, has not been convicted by a proper, random, common-law jury.

So, those who defend the police actually are defending the "economic incentivization" wing of the mafia. They are simply a part of the mafia that relies heavily on brainwashing uneducated and unphilosophical dupes who graduated from the government youth propaganda camps known as "public schools."

Sounds like I might be describing you, although I suspect Berwick is correct, and that you are a government employee or personally invested in your relations to a government employee.

Didn't read any of that. Judging by the length of the posts it looks like you care too much and are a slave. I was just commenting and having fun. But looks like people get too serious and negative. I'm free, I don't care about anything :)

onesunbeingnow wrote: "Didn't read any of that. Judging by the length of the posts it looks like you care too much and are a slave. I was just commenting and having fun. But looks like people get too serious and negative. I'm free, I don't care about anything :)"

...Just like most barnyard animals. Although this does make me curious to find the "block" button here.

Good thing you stated that you don't take your comments (or anything else) seriously. Have fun in your idea-less world, you mindless meat-bot. :)

You are like a person who ran from a knight and is now living with a dragon and are now saying that Dragons are nonviolent. I could find someone who was forced to run from the cartels and is now living in the United States who would say the exact opposet of what you are saying in this post.

Exactly. What these two are saying is ridiculous, not to to mention the disgusting vulgarity from Barry.

Your economic illiteracy is more vulgar than anything Barry has ever said. If you cannot see that the drug cartels are paid to circumvent law enforcement, then you know nothing about basic economics.

This free book might help you:

The per-capita death rate was higher in Mexico in 2006-2016, was it not? (I understand it was over 111,000 people murdered by Cartels from 2006 to 2012 alone.

Also, numerous VICE and other "alt media" have covered the insane number of shootings in Juarez, etc.)

--I don't think the individual witnesses in the prior pieces are lying. Whether they are "pro-west" propaganda is also up for question.

Also: the Mexican police will gladly ruin your life if you have a gun, which is why the civilian defense groups don't trust the government there, and are also targeted by them, in addition to the cartels.

Also: there is even less pretence at due process in Mexico than in the USA. (For example, a friend of mine who is a grade-school principal in Mexico was abducted and tortured by Mexican police for days because he had the same name as someone on their wanted list. When they realized they had the wrong guy, they just let him go, black and blue from head to toe, and one of his testicles ruptured.)

The cartels themselves are a symptom of US prohibition. Therefore, the blame lies squarely at the feet of non-libertarian US voters, so in that regard, the lower-hierarchical-level decision-maker is less morally culpable than the highest-hierarchical-level decision-maker.

I agree with you, to that extent. (Nothing you said in this essay contradicts that, but it also isn't quite as clear. For example: The cartels also extort, and kill those they can't extort, which is a far lesser extortion than the street cops in Chicago and New York are guilty of, when they steal someone's warez for not having a "vending license," or kill them, as they did Eric Garner.)

The agency of the US voter is higher than that of the cartels, who are opportunists who take advantage of the stupidity of the US voter to engage in the risk/reward paradigm created by prohibition. That said, the cartels are also full of sociopaths, and sociopaths will trend toward the greatest waste and ruin of life, by default. The ruin extends far beyond the drug trade, due to the fact that once you're controlling territory, that control allows many more immoral income streams

--extortion and theft being primaries.

The tragedy is immense. ...And many of the victims are completely innocent of wrongdoing. In fact, they are likely the easiest targets. Those who try to establish a true free market are also likely to be killed.

We might agree about this: The first responsibility/culpability for the entire mess lies with the intellectually lazy, unphilosophical US voter.

Its weird, you talk about things like mexico's high murder rate, which you say the cartels are responsible for. Then you blame the United States for Mexico's problems because we've outlawed the drugs they import to us. The United States are the buyers in a huge drug market, no doubt about that. But a country is responsible for its own problems, so by my logic, street gangs in Chicago are the fault of the united states, even though they may be selling drugs imported from Mexican cartels, whereas Mexico is responsible for its cartel problem. They have a shitty weak government that can't stop the cartels from operating, and the responsibility for that lies primarily with each individual Mexican. If your country is a piece of shit, and you haven't opted out of the concept of the nation state, you are partially responsible for your country being a piece of shit. What I am saying is that the country with the highest standard of living and the best governing structure, whatever the latter means to you, is responsible for that achievement, they built that culture, that nation, and that standard of living, while the country that is its polar opposet is also responsible for building themselves a shithole.

Mitt Romney's family hasn't left yet...

What a load of shit and sophestry.

Where's that downvote button? LOL

Since you used a word that describes a logical fallacy, you should know that Ad hominems are also considered logical fallacies. In a college debate, points are deducted from whomever uses them. You should stop using ad hominems so others will take you seriously. In the furue, you should use logic, evidence or experiences to explain why you disagree with what I have written. Otherwise, you will not have any respect on this platform. @laconicflow

I can say I share your view on the government. Not only American, but most of the governments are like that.

But I can't share your admiration of the cartels. While I admit that they are thoughtfully structured and might even have the great value and principles - they serve to make it easier for people to kill themselves. I think we shouldn't forget it

As a drug expert, I have learned the new science shows drug addiction is not caused by drugs. Drug addictions are caused by traumas and lack of connection to community, family and friends. This video explains the new science. Also, I don't "admire" the cartels because they use violence. I made that clear by explaining their immorality. I do like the cartels and prefer their way of governing compared to the rest of the world's governments. And I do respect them for protecting and not caging their own citizens. Big love to you though. Thanks for commenting.


  ·  9 years ago (edited)

Thank you for your reply. The video is impressive.

I like the objectivity and thoughfullness of what you posts. It opens the door to discussion!

Big love katyakov. I enjoy spreading what I know to open minded people. Thanks for following me.

Yeah, alienation from community will change the likelihood that people's drug adictions last, but I'm not finding it difficult to stop smoking cigarettes because I'm alienated from my community. Drug addiction shows up among marginalized people and popular people. David Carr, a NewYork times reporter wrote a book about suffering from his own crack addiction, to name just one nonmargialized person who was addicted to drugs.
You make the claim that the Mexican cartels are the proper government of Mexico. But I very much doubt that if the question was put on a secret ballitte the Mexican people would say "yes, we want the cartels more than the government we already elected."
P.S. everyone please remember to upvote replies you find to be of high quality. This encourages members of the community to participate in discussion of posts

Killing yourself is one of the easiest things to do on this planet. Someone can shoot themselves with a gun. Or hang themselves with a belt. They can jump in front of a train or a truck or a speeding car. They can screw with a cop and pretend they have a gun, they can take sleeping pills. One person dies every 19 minutes from prescription drugs in the US that are pandered by doctors.
You are free to not like cartels of course, but there needs to be a better reason than they make it easier for people to suicide. They are meeting a demand. People are personally responsible for their choices. ✌🏻️❤️
Ps. I get it, I used to hate drug dealers too. Until I learned the truth.

Absolutely - I don't blame them for people killing themselves. But they are the ones, who provide the tools for it.

I think I can technically understand how they bring value and how they are more effective than the governments, but I probably would never be able to personally like them..:)

Don't do meth Barry!

@ericbotticelli Why would you give me such ridiculous advice? Do you think I am famous and and accomplished what I have while using meth? I'm notorious for smoking weed and using psychedelics....not meth. My advice to you? Be polite by not giving unneeded or goofy advice.

You said it was not as potent as USA Meth, and you also said there were only three choices down there. I was hoping you wouldn't get bored and try it out. I'm not basing it on your character, it's advice I would give to everyone.

You were also saying how the cartels don't supply opiates because it makes people sick. So I thought maybe you didn't know that meth also makes people sick.

I think a lot of people know not to use heroin and not to smoke crack, but it's not as well known that meth and mephedrone should be in the same category.

Sorry I offended you, though :(

No worries ericbotticelli. Thanks for clearing that up. It's true the cartels are limited in what they sell but I have enough friends and family visiting to keep me supplied with the psychedelics that I love so much. I must correct you on something though. Meth only makes addicts sick. The new science shows drugs don't cause addiction but traumas and being unconnected with community, family and friends does. Although I do not use meth, it's actually a good drug. Millions of children in the U.S. are dosed with meth each day and they don't kill and steal or become sick. Although I strongly disagree with the overprescribing of ADHD meds to children, it is proof that meth doesn't cause a person to be crazy. ADHD medicines are methamphetamine. Google it and you will see it's true. Also, millions of people use meth recreationally with no problems. I fully understand the overuse of meth is dangerous but only addicts overuse meth. I think you are talking about addicts and not all persons. matter how bored I get, I will not use the drug because as I stated, I like psychedelics. Peace and love friend!