So I wasn't really even aware that it is the World Series right now but sure enough, it is. The Texas Rangers and the Arizona Sneks (Diamondbacks) had game one of the series last night. I did not watch it because I don't really care about baseball but apparently it went on for ages and the Rangers eventually won in the friggin 11th inning.

don't even know who either of these people are
Let me start off by saying that I find it extremely arrogant that a tournament that is conducted only in North America is called the "World Series." Why can't we have some sort of World Cup of baseball that actually DOES include the rest of the world. People sometimes make the argument that the best players will always opt to play in the MLB (USA league) and they have a good point there. However, that doesn't mean necessarily that they are always going to be the best in the world. Korea and Japan for example have a thriving baseball scene, as do many Latin and South American countries. Wouldn't it be more fun to include these teams in a true "World Series" even if the end result was the non North American teams getting absolutely destroyed? I know I would really like that.
Living in Chicago, you are subjected to baseball mania for about half of the year since we have two professional teams here. I have gone to a few games but honestly, I was there more for the camaraderie with my friends and the beer than I was for the actual game. When players would go up to bat for the most part this was the first I was ever hearing their names in my life.
The good news about going to a game is that the slow paced nature of a baseball game makes it very easy to socialize and even go to the bathroom basically any time you feel like it. Chances are you are not going to miss anything as it is quite common for long stretches of innings to be completely scoreless.
So now the Rangers are 1-0 on the series and this will show how little i know / care about baseball... I think it is the best of 7 games.
The only thing about this baseball season that makes me really happy is the fact that one of these two teams that are playing right now already eliminated the Philadelphia Phillies. I loathe Philadelphia sports teams because their fans are the worst. We don't really have a culture of hooliganism in sports in the USA but the one exception is Philly, whose fans are just animals.
So when it comes to baseball, my favorite team is whoever is playing against Philadelphia.