I just don't care about baseball. sorry/not sorry. I try to enjoy almost any sport but when a team plays 160 games a season, I feel like this is just too damn many. Someone did the math and excluding the post-season, there are 2,430 games across all the teams. This is an absurd amount of information to keep up with and well, I guess I just have other things to do with my life and don't want to participate in something like that.
The Texas Rangers won the World Series playing against the Arizona Snakes (errr, Diamondbacks.) and unless someone had talked about it the other night when I stopped into a local pub, I wouldn't have even known about it.

I suppose if you were from Texas that this might be a bit more eventful for you but here in Chicago where I live, we have 2 professional teams and if one of them was in the World Series, I still don't think I would have bothered to go out of my way to watch it. I'm sure it would be impossible to miss unless you locked yourself inside of your house, but I still wouldn't care.
I frequently find myself on the "L" which is the train system here in the city, and one of the stops overlooks Wrigley Field, sometimes there are games going on while the trains are going by and even then, I barely even glance in the direction of what is going on.
I'm not trying to tell people what sort of sport they can or should enjoy but for me baseball just doesn't do it for me. I don't know if it is the slow pace, the fact that a game can be completely turned around in one inning, or the fact that the games can sometimes be 5 hours long, but the whole thing just isn't for me.
Perhaps this goes back to the story I have told many times about how while I excelled in almost any sport that I participated in during my youth, baseball was the only one that I wasn't good at. I tried to be good at it, but I just didn't have the right body, desire, or skills to be anything other than mediocre at it.
That being said I have been to a few Chicago White Sox games and I had a great time at them. This had to do with the friends that I went with and the copious amounts of beer that we drank while we were there though, the field could have been empty and I think I would have had the same amount of fun.
So congratulations to the Rangers. It is my understanding this is their first ever World Series? I think? Whatever man, I don't really care :P