im talking about fair access to the economy through fair access to money.
To have access to money with value, the best way is to create wealth. Countries could try to break the influence of international banking, and use a bond system to develop an industry, so that the money that is issued is backed by real wealth. That would help those nations, but they need honest and competent politicians who can carry out a good monetary policy.
If poor countries / people would get fair access to money, their needs would be considered. If their needs are being considered naturally new enterprises will be developed to fulfill these needs.
Totally agree, but that's not the only way, not even the best one.
Look, my country is currently very poor due to bad management, here there are many natural resources, and that could attract foreign investment, that is, the capital that you say we need, but that capital will not come as long as we are governed by socialist politicians that nationalize companies, and control the entire economy. Our economy is bad, and it is only sustained because oil is demanded abroad. The countries of Africa and others of South America also have many resources, they only need to open their market, instead of imposing so many restrictions, so that wealth begins to mobilize those countries.