Fight robots

in battle •  9 years ago 


Battlebots is held in 1999 but had stopped. And in 2015 and the tournament robot ostriches are again held with the rules of the new new robot and new participants.

In this deadly battle (for a robot of course) do not think if robots that is used is a robot with collared design yes, but instead. Because it is intended for a battle, robot results crazy ideas man is designed with the form of the strange as well as supplied with the item off to beat his opponents, start from you weapons, claws which sharp, can blow the blaze until the weapons that can destroy his opponents until dropped - pieces like grass cutting machine.

 BattleBots Gameplay 

Just like the sport fighting for the class of robots in Battlebots tournament separated based on the weight of robots - robots that will be used to fight:

Lightweight - 60 pounds (27 kilograms)

Middleweight - 120 pounds (54 kilograms)

Heavyweight - 220 pounds (100 kilograms)

Superheavyweight - 340 pounds (154 kilograms)

no rule raw material in this Battlebots tournament, all robot can do and use what is in the arena to destroy lawanya. In a game that uses the system one combat, will be given the time of the contest for 3 minutes. In the time of fighters 3 minutes is not allowed to enter the arena of the struggle, because it would be dangerous. There are only 2 events that cause the match stopped and people allowed to enter the arena, namely :

-if in a contest, robots - robots that is experiencing problems such as robot trapped together and cannot be separated themselves so that need assistance from the crew and the team.

-When a robot wrestling experience over destroyed or damaged badly and is not able to continue the match again, there is also the scenario where one of the two droids burned. So the crew from Battlebots must enter the arena to quench the fire.

The contest will end as well as the won, when one of the robot the participants could not move for thirty seconds because damaged or trapped in part of harmful deliberately in instill on Battlebots arena so stated autumn. The controller or that control the droids also allowed called "tap out" to take robotnya when robot employs will be immediately destroyed, but with the risk will lose the match.

If in the time of 3 minutes the match the two robots able to survive, the winner will be determined from the calculation of the point that given by the jury. Where the three jury has the right to distribute the total 45 points (15 points judges, 5 points per judge per category) from three categories that will be used as a reference for the assessment, namely aggression, Strategies and damage. Point Aggression includes from the struggle of robots to destroy lawanya while Point strategies include how well the robot exploit the weakness of his adversaries, protect itself, and deal with the danger.

 BattleBots Arena 

The contest Battlebots arena is called with a Battlebox arena is square with the floor made of iron steel parts of the wall is also coated with anti-glass bullets polikarbonat specially designed to protect the drivers and the spectators from the pieces of robots that fly time.struggle and one of the most interesting part of this is Danger Battlebox Arena is an arena equipped with part off that can destroy every robot is the battle. In other words, Danger this Arena aims to test the acumen every controllers when controlling robots each. In addition the controllers can also use part off to cripple even destroy robot opponents. And the following part dangerous is in Danger the Arena.

Pulverizers is a danger that threatens every robot is battle, take existed a hammer weapon with a heavy 50 pound until 150 pounds. Pulverizers will be active and hit anything that is nearby, part 5 this will be the scourge of terror for robot Lightweight - Middleweight class.

Spike Strips is the next threat for robots in the arena of danger, Spike Strips itself is a series of sharp nails composed rice wall Batlebox arena. Encourage and flung robot opponents to this section can paralyze the robot movement.

The Ramrods still take exist nails, but slightly different with spike strips. The Ramrods embedded in the floor capable of slab got over automatically, although few numbered sadist but the ramrods only caused minimal damage in robots.

Killsaws have similarities with The Ramrods because also embedded dilantai, as his name Killsaws is a set of chainsaws murderer that will appear and cause damage to the robot passing on it.

Pistons became one of the causes of the end of a contest Battlebox because it has a high degree of destruction, pistons itself is the iron in the form of a cylinder is embedded in the floor that are able to attack the robot passing above.

Screws may be argued as the main cause of the destruction of a robot, because its position is adjacent to the Pulverizers. The function of the screws itself is interesting every robot trapped toward pulverizers to in hentak, so can pretty much Screws and Pulverizers is the combination of a murderer in the Battlebox arena.



Battlebots might be the answer for you that has been bored with a contest fighting mainstream that you have never watch, because besides cry, strategies used each team to defeat the enemy is also very interesting to follow.,

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you like robot ?

yes. i like it because Make my life thrilled

I love this show and Tail of the Tape. Do you watch that?