This is an important story! Great content. Did you know that Israeli military is training police in the USA & other countries around the world? Kinda crazy if you know what's happening in Palestine. Could it be that this "militarization" of the police, is in preparation for "something"? Why are police officers looking more & more like Robocop? Why is it that our government imposes "Austerity" on its citizens, & yet funds the Israeli military, to the tune of Millions of dollars a day? Why is it illegal to boycott, divest, or sanction Israel, in 26 out of 50 US states, & many other places around the world? Many, many reasons, but to summarize; There IS a conspiracy of the rich against the non-rich, plain and simple. WWIII has been going on for decades, ITS A WAR AGAINST THE POOR! Get vigilant & stay vigilant, or surrender your freedoms to the coup d'état in slow motion! This video presents a model used in Durham NC, that can be used to defend ourselves, & get out of the hot water we're in; before it starts to Boil, Bubble, Toil, & Trouble!
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