Bean Cash formula and 2nd quarter forecast..steemCreated with Sketch.

in beancash •  7 years ago  (edited)

            My prediction by end of the year or next year, Bean Cash will reach $100 -$200 million market cap. Before that, I think this coin will go on 2-3 more exchanges with at least 1 major one.  We should see at leat 1-3 price hump before the year is out.  There be a new higher common price or the new low price that most traders and investor will not let go below either because they will re-buy or are not willing to sell that low.

                      If anyone can formulate the Bitcoin price to Bean price to number of exchanges and like to share you're welcome to reply here.   My theory is at 12-15k, Bean can be at 4 cents, as I seen it before.  But with more exchanges coming in, price maybe .5-.75 times higher per major exchange.   In this theory, with 2 major exchange -Brittex n UpBit - we have 1 -1.2 cents price or 100 - 120 Satoshi.   So at 3 major exchange, we have 1.5 to 2 cents price or 1.5 - 200 Satoshi.  To be safe, I would say 4 major exchange is likely bet to reach this level. 

                       If I have to guess on the major exchanges to join, my guess is Poloniex and then HitBTC.  There is also chance of Binance, since they work with a lot of Asians and they probably looking at the numbers from Upbit.  The dream exchange will be Gdax, but that would be like winning the lottery.  I have to think Gdax is likely to put Ripple XRP way before Bean Cash.   But, you never know in the Crypto world, how things change.

                     As an investor, I would feel more at ease, when Bean Cash has at least a daily million dollar in trade days.  Currently it is at multiple 100,000s trade days and few days of over 1 million.   Trades of average of 300,000 to 400,000 daily, is I think around low middle coin rank or a high low coin rank, depending on how you want to see it.  In deed it is around 300 ranking in the charts.   But with a consistent 200,000 volume in trades for each of the Exchange of Bittrex and Upbit, that is some good trade commission money.  If they keep this numbers up, the other major exchange can forecast the amount they'll make.  So that itself is good signs, that more exchanges may come.    For exchanges it is the consistent volume trading, where they can make the money and not necessary the price of the coin.

           Oops, almost forgot my prediction for the 2nd quarter as there are 4 quarters in a fiscal year.  It is from May to June, now that we have jumped over the Tax Season dip.  Rumor has it from Bean Core, there may be some exchanges coming online.  If so, we may see a price bump.  I think, if that doesn't happen anytime soon,  Bean will follow Bitcoin in general.  Unless price of Bitcoin rises higher, we may see Bean bounce between a tight range of 100-120 Satoshis or  .95 cents to 1.04 cents.  If want to make money every month, can't hold out or don't want to risk it, maybe short some of your stash, not everything. 

 ** Disclaimer   This blog is based on my opinions.  I am not giving professional advice. Anything written here should be taken as an opinion and is the responsibility of the reader to take due diligence as such.  Basically saying I may be wrong, right or neither, just saying its my opinions and my voice.     

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