cooperate to slaughter cows

in beaten •  7 years ago 

this is the procedure of slaughtering cows for us Muslims as taught by shari'ah.
slaughtering animals have their requirements among others
1] The One Who Sheds Halal eaten
The slaughter of every Muslim and Ahlul Kitab may be eaten, both male and female
2] Say Bismillah
فكلوا مما ذكر اسم الله عليه إن كنتم بآياته مؤمنين

"Then eat the (lawful) beasts called the Name of God when they slaughter it, if you believe in His verses." [Al-An'aam: 118]
3] With sharp objects instead of bones or nails
4] Decide both the base of the neck
Thus according to the religion of Islam


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