Beer and Beauty Tip!!

in beauty •  6 years ago 

Hello everybody Suzzy here - so I didn’t have the best week food wise! I worked out a lot - even ran 7 miles Saturday but then Saturday night was my high school reunion so I proceeded to eat terrible and drink lots of beer. And I continued (eating terrible) until yesterday!


But I did weigh in on Saturday right after my run and lost .5 lbs which is good for me during this time of month! So far so good for eating and working out today. Ran 3 miles and lifted upper body for 30 minutes.

Ok beauty tip of the day: for some reason I’ve been breaking out so bad! I have no idea why but I have this like miracle zit cream that works magic. It’s more like a mud mask but I use it as a spot treatment. You can seriously put it on at night and wake up and your zit is gone. It’s called control corrective sulfur calming mask, acne.
I will include a pic. Best thing ever for zits. If it gets dry I just add water. I got it awhile ago from an esthetician but I am sure you can get it on amazon.


Thanks for reading everybody.

Also real quickly just wanted to add, every picture that we use that isn't one that we took we get from this free picture website

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