Let it be no secret,
I love Avon beauty products! Whether it be the fragrances, skin care, anti-aging, cosmetics or Skin So Soft.
Another great aspect of this company is their dedication to women's issues. For example, their foundations and charities particularly against breast cancer and domestic violence.
Since the launch of the Avon Breast Cancer Crusade in 1992, they have contributed more than $800 million to breast cancer programs around the world – providing critical help to women in need and their families.
Over the last 25 years, Avon Reps here in the US have raised more than $150 million through the sales of fundraising products & their customers have participated in one of many fundraising walks, including the recent Avon39 Walk to End Breast Cancer.
Over the years, Avon’s breast cancer fundraising programs have continually evolved, mobilizing people around our country to get involved and make the biggest impact possible toward the breast cancer cause.
The reason I'm posting this is to announce and share that they will announce a new U.S. fundraising program in spring 2018 that will help continue their work with the breast cancer community. This program will build off the success and education gained through recent AVON 39 walks and will engage passionate supporters who are committed to this fight against breast cancer.
And this is what makes Avon such a special company!