The painting is beautiful

in beauty •  7 years ago 

The painting is beautiful


Painting is a work of art that the process of making is done by painting paint with a tool brush, palette knife or other equipment, which daub the various colors and gradations of color gradation, with certain colors are also certain colors of pigment color composition.


Painting is an art that appreciates the creativity of an artist through a two-dimensional field, such as canvas, board, paper and so on.

Paintings of figurative forms, keywords are still tied to nature or in other words shape forms that exist in nature.
adalah cara seorang seniman untuk mengungkapkan topik yang dia gambarkan dalam karya dua dimensi yang nyata.

The painting is what it is
Not excessive in terms of color and beauty of art
Tend to resemble natural shapes accurately
Tend to match facts and events that occur in nature

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