Health Benefits of Afternoon Siesta - Did you take a nap today? I did ;)

in beautysleep •  7 years ago  (edited)


Spanish people already know that taking a siesta have multiple benefits for your health... No wonder why I feel at home every time I'm in Spain..;) But, that is not just another myth about Spaniards - scientists have confirmed the benefits of the afternoon nap and how it improves your memory, reduces stress, enhances creative thinking, calmes your nerves and boosts cognitive processing.

Are you ready for a TOUR DE NAP?



The power of the power nap is just endless... This one does not include actually falling asleep - taking this nap will take you approximately 10 -20 minutes (so most of us CAN afford it). In this type of nap, it is enough just to relax deeply, let your thoughts wander and muscles rest. So keep it short, find a good spot and you can even turn on some relaxing or meditation music. After this one, you should proceed with your daily routine feeling energy boosted and ready for new challenges. Pluses: you will not feel drowsy like after some other types of naps and you shouldn't have problems falling asleep at night.


This type of nap is 10 - 15 minutes longer then the power nap and it's not the perfect one. You can blame the snooze button if you can't just easely go back to life after short(er) nap. You will get most of the benefits like from the power nap, maybe you'll just need more time to feel them.



Braniac, like it's name says, is one powerful nap indeed and it helps your brain restart in a way. It lasts about an hour and includes the deepest sleep. Yes, you might feel grogginess after this one - similar like simptoms of hangover - but it has various health benefits. It helps your memory and improves your ability to remember facts, names, faces or tasks that needs to be done. It is perfect for students after long period of sitting and learning or on days you know you'll have many obligations in afternoon or at night time (like going out or something;). May I add this one is my personal favorite? I don't have the time to do it on daily bases, but when I do - I never say no to Braniac.


This one is for kings and queens only. ;) Well, not really, but you will need about 90 minutes to perform this one because it includes full cycle of sleep with REM sleep stage. Surprisingly, California King will not leave you feel grumpy and hangover because you'll get full sleep cycle so you should feel easy like a Sunday morning after this one. It will improve your creativity and motor memory. Hope you have some night plans after this one because you might not feel sleepy any time soon after this king experience.

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It' s good to know - according to some Greek scientist habit of napping can actually save your life: it also reduces blood pressure and and stave off heart attacks. So, my darling family, next time you'll be teasing me why I ran home after family gathering to get my dose of siesta - I have a scientific proof that it is my obligation. ;) I have even found a research where scientist say nap improves one's moral. Hahaha! Zzzz!


So, where and when it's ideal to take your nap?

Scientist say perfect timing is somewhere between 2 and 5 pm, because if you do it later on, you can have an insomnia experience or trouble of falling asleep at night!
Find a good spot - it does not have to be your bed - you can try it on the sofa or, even, at your working place during the break (if your boss is tolerant, anyway) ;). There is many different types of music you can find on YouTube that will help your body and mind relax so you can profit the most of your siesta moment.

Personaly, I like having a company while doing it, as you can see.


So, my name is Matea and I'm a napoholic. Now tell me...

What is your guilty pleasure?

Love from Zagreb,



Thank you Pixabay for lovely photos.

My plans for this weekend on -10 in Zagreb? Steven Patrick knows it all ;)

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Popodnevna dremka baš prija ponekad ali od kada sam je izbacio, mnogo mi duže traje dan i lakše zaspim uveče tako da neka hvala, nije to za mene 😁

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

great post,Rest well we need it.
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Awosome post....upvoted and followed

Hello @matejka13. I love your post. It is really educative. Most times the hustle and busy schedule will not actually allow us to take a nap. I think, i should give it a priority considering the health benefit. I enjoyed it. Thanks for sharing

@beth147 Thank you for reading it :) I warmly recommend you find time and start naping ASAP 😴 I feel much better on days I find some me-time which is unfortunately not as often as I would like, but I’m trying my best :)

Okay. Sure i will start right away. Thanks

Well, I guess I am a queen :)
I love sleep and I love naps. People who know me say "She sleeps when she is allowed to." That is all I need, a permission :) But honestly, I think the California one is my favourite and power naps my least favourite.

When they tease me, I always tell them: "My body asks for it.." :D
Power nap is only for really busy days, also my least favorite!

I didn't know so many types of naps exist! I'm not big on naps. Due to my condition, I tend to take them every few days because I get sick but normally I don't like them.

Pa ja neznam, da li bih pored takve snajke mogao da zaspim. 🤓 😉

hahhaha, 🔝 @vladimir-simovic 😁😁😁

I am in the age when I can't resist afternoon siesta any more, @matejka13 :)

Hahaha, me too :) That’s the best age... And if it’s lower then your reputation, you’re still young guy :P