Review : “Global Pale Ale” - Beer by Nøgne Ø

in beer •  6 years ago  (edited)

Let’s hear the words of the norwegian brewer:

“Join us for a walk on the wild side. Through the magnificent raw nature of Sørlandet. Across the planet, gathering the finest natural ingredients. Into a world of naked passion and craft where the only rule is: there are no rules”

“Global Pale Ale - Golden. Fruity, Full-Bodied. Bitter”

Yeah, yeah... words are cheap. I guess throwing around fancy expressions, may work on the average beer consumer, but I rely on my own senses... so let us get to it. I will let you know up front, that pale ales are not my favorite type of beer. But still, when I find some of those better breweries on sale, I jump on them, just to satisfy my curiosity.


The eye

Hazy, dull golden orange. A nice two to three finger foam pops up easily, but disappears quickly.
Nothing to get alarmed about, but nothing impressive either

The nose

Straight from the fridge, the nose is rather faint. Flowery notes, yeast, a prickly liveliness and a touch of dark chocolate. It develops into more fullness as the beer tempers, but the strentgh is still on the faint side, not the wild one.

The tongue

The bitterness is there but on the gentler side of the spectrum. I don’t mind as extreme hoppyness is not up my alley. The body is medium with some sweetness blended with a grapefruitynesslike acidity. I cannot really find much else there so I am rather disappointed. The body seems to thin out in reverse proportionality with the tempering.


The verdict
An uninteresting aquaintance. It is neither a good beer or a bad beer. It finds a sort of mainstream passage through the market. It is one that should be consumed straight from the fridge as a thirst quencher on a hot summer day


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I remember loving Nøgne's various porters and stouts back in the day when the brewery was new. I haven't revisited their beers in many years though. Sad if it has gone down the mainstream road.

I think I heard they were bought by a big beer company. So they slap on the craft label on crappy beer and then milk the cow until the thrill is gone

Ah, what a shame