in beer •  8 years ago 


I swear, I just blew out a cloud of hops after the first sip.

I was wondering, if so many breweries have varieties of IPA, why would you call an IPA IPA?


Well, friends, its because this is quite the heavyweight hops beverage. I cracked the can open and noticed the air was full of the sweet hops smell.


Unlike other beers that had hints of honey, this was more like hops candy or hops lollipops. This incredibly sweet aroma was only the beginning.


As I sip, I get a closer whiff of more earthy and herbal tones that a quite grounding with effects similar to what Dorothy experienced when she ran through Oz's poppy field.


The timing for this hops hypnosis is perfect because it helps you slowly draw the sip in. If the sugary hops scent is a fine lady's perfume, the distinct herbal scent is a slow voice whispering flattering words.


The sip begins where the scent ends, but gives you the full story of what was an abridged tale. The flavor is extremely complex and changes with each sip. As your taste receptors adapt to the brew, new hidden flavors emerge and stand out like surprise guests in a show.

It is amazing how close this brew gets to being bitter, but just is too herbally sweet to cross the line. The care taken to brew this beverage is remarkable.

Unlike a bottle, I've opened the can so I need to take one for the team and finish it off.

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wow enjoy ur bear @rubenalexander

Perfection, huh ? :D

I am not an expert on beers, but I noticed that you seem to be one. Nice post.

It all started with writing poetry. Then I wondered what it would be like to mash up poetry and beer reviews since I was head over heels in love with IPAs.

What happened afterward, was unexpected, but I ended up really learning about what I like in an IPA and learning how brewmasters are magicians that can highlight or play down hops flavors in a brew and make magic.

Not sure if I am an expert, but I am definitely a strong enthusiast.

Sounds like a serene scent that you get from this beer.
The description of the taste seems absolutely wondrous.
I must have a taste of this @rubenalexander