Beertasting for charity... a beautiful combo!

in beersaturdays •  7 years ago 

Yesterday Sint Martin nature foundation had a charity event for our cleaning our lagoon. Our lagoon is a big fat mess at the moment, full with sunken ships. These ships are filled with oil and diesel still, and sometimes even with bodies of the crew.
Salvaging isnt easy, and our government is not helping with this at all at the moment. But thats a story for an other time.

So nature foundation did a charity event. Beerdrinking and the benefits go to nature. Awesome right! Im in!
It was a tasting, so we couldnt take the bottles thats why you see bartender dude on the pictures everywhere.

I started off with a namastay white. Soft and easy drinkable, tasted very similar to the German Weizners.

Then off to an Oberon, also a Weisner and I really liked this one, and Im going to look for it more when I get back from vacation.

After that I tried a lemon lager thingy, a Meyers lemon. After the Weisners this tasted like lemon piss, but I think if this would be your first one on a hot day, it is just fine!

The last one was a Full Sail Pilsner. I did not like this one at all, but the bottle was perfect for the setting of drinking on the dock.

Conclusion: Pilsner after Weisner is a bad idea.
We sponsored nature big time though, hooray!

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That’s awesome, cheers...

Beer for the win!

Put that on a t shirt, ha ha...

This blog post, was written well enough to make people feel they actually attended with you.

  • You shared the experience
  • Details about each part of it.
  • Extra "info" (like we couldn't take the bottle) which makes it personable
  • You included the actual ad, rather than just say "had a charity event"
  • Even the ad itself didn't talk about the boats at the bottom of the lagoon

....There is nothing I'd change in this post.

Now if you look at someone like @papa-pepper, I think your quality of posts match his...

Which means your writing style and attention to detail a year from now will be regarded a lot better as you slowly develop a following.

I really did enjoy this post

Wow thank you for all the compliments!

Even though I am just a newly started blogger with no specific niche, I just try my best to write about all my life experiences after the hurricane ( so I guess that is my niche then)

Yeah I am following @papa-pepper posts, and he even makes me enthusiastic about homesteading, even though I am not.

I will try to keep it up! Thanks again @intelliguy

I ended up showcasing you and two other steemians today. Come see my blog. :)

Some nice looking bottles!

Make sure you enter into @detlev’s #beersaturday competition if you haven’t already

Cheers 🍺

Oeeee i should!

  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment

Awesome post, Keep it up!