Factors that are crucial in shaping human behavior in daily lives

in behavior •  4 months ago 

An explanation of how behaviour is shaped by the consequences that follow an action is provided by the psychological theory known as operant conditioning.

This idea was initially presented by the well-known psychologist BF Skinner, who put it to the test by conducting a number of experiments on animals in order to investigate it.

Additionally, despite the fact that operant conditioning is most commonly linked with the training of animals, it also plays a significant part in the formation of human behaviour in our day-to-day lives.


Receiving rewards for successfully completing tasks is a typical form of operant conditioning that may be found in everyday life. As an illustration, in the context of a workplace, employees are frequently rewarded with bonuses or promotions for accomplishing their goals or for accomplishing specific goals.

Providing employees with this kind of positive reinforcement pushes them to perform well and live up to expectations.

Punishment, on the other hand, is an additional version of operant conditioning that has the potential to influence behaviour. For instance, if a child is disciplined for misbehaving and is ultimately given a time-out as a consequence, it is less likely that the child will engage in the same behaviour in the future in order to avoid being punished.

By linking undesirable behaviour with unfavourable outcomes, this form of negative reinforcement is effective in preventing undesirable behaviour.

In addition, the process of moulding behaviour through the use of reinforcement schedules is a component of operant conditioning. Rather than providing incentives or penalties on a constant basis, this method includes providing them on an ad hoc basis.

Individuals that utilise the internet, for instance, are frequently rewarded with likes or comments. social media, there is no assurance that these benefits will always be obtained. Users are kept interested and coming back for more because to this provision of intermittent reinforcement.

The act of creating goals for ourselves and rewarding ourselves when we accomplish them is another form of self-acting conditioning that we engage in on a regular basis. An someone who is trying to lose weight, for instance, can give themself a cheat meal as a treat when they hit a certain milestone in their weight loss journey.

Individuals are motivated to continue working towards their goals and to keep to their plans when they have the ability to independently empower themselves.

Generally speaking, operant conditioning is a significant factor in the formation of human behaviour in our day-to-day existence here on earth. It is possible for us to effectively encourage behaviours that we want and inhibit behaviours that we do not want if we have a solid understanding of the principles of reinforcement and punishment.

The decisions we make and the actions we take are influenced by operant conditioning, regardless of whether we are at work, at home, or just going about our personal life.

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