"No wonder the people behind the fake Joe Biden have been hiding since the US Corporation went bankrupt and defaulted on its external debt on January 31st. This is being presented to the public as a deadlock over raising the US debt ceiling."
"Former IMF head and current European Central Bank head Christine Lagarde admitted in a speech the “fragmentation” of her rules-based world order “under the hegemonic leadership of the United States…can happen in two ways: gradually, and then suddenly,” In other words she is hinting the slow fragmentation we have been seeing is about to head into a sudden collapse."
"That is why US President Donald Trump says “This is the worst crisis in the history of our country, the United States may not survive,”"
"Another sign that something happened in February is that the money supply fell by “6.6%” year on year for “the biggest drop in at least 60 years,” Note the 666 number hints this data is fake but that something very bad is happening."