Real wealth is Nature, a biologically diverse and productive ecosphere.

in bernie •  2 years ago 


It would be cheaper to give everyone what they need than prevent them from taking it for themselves. Hunger and thirst are the primary causes of war and also the primary mechanism to concentrate wealth.

If you add up everything in the world and divide by 7.5 billion you can calculate an average wealth. Any amount that one individual has more than average has to be balanced by one or more people who have less than average, that is:


There is no possible moral justification from creating a billion dollars of poverty. "Wealth creation" is a myth based on the false desire for shiny objects and convenience. Real wealth is Nature, a biologically diverse and productive ecosphere.

The entire Industrial Revolution has reduced the biological productivity of the Earth by over half - we now have less than half the Oxygen production, CO2 reduction and food chain base as 1750.

Per capita wealth is DOWN 97% since then, because there are twelve times as many people.

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So how do we escape poverty? How can we build a civilization?