The Top 6 Benefits of Invisalign Clear Aligners

in best •  5 years ago 

Misaligned or crooked teeth look unsightly and are difficult to clean. They are also prone to periodontal diseases, risking bone and gum damage that can lead to tooth loss. The traditional way to align teeth is to wear braces, but conventional ones are generally uncomfortable, can be painful, and may look unattractive. Also, adults may feel embarrassed wearing them. Invisalign are clear braces that eliminate any embarrassment to the wearer and provide a number of other benefits. A dental clinic in Brampton offering the best Invisalign in Canada have pointed out some of their benefits. Here are six reasons why you should choose them over conventional braces.
Why Choose Invisalign over Traditional Braces?

  1. They’re barely visible
    These removable aligners are almost fully translucent, meaning they are not noticeable, even during casual conversations within close quarters. If the thought of wearing braces, either tooth coloured or traditional, does not feel right for you, clear aligners are the better way to go.
  2. They can be taken out before meals
    Most people wearing traditional braces have to give up foods that are sticky or hard. Items like caramels and carrots should be avoided as they can pull off brackets. But with Invisalign for adults, you can eat whatever you want without worrying about making a trip to the orthodontist’s office. These braces are meant to be worn 20 to 22 hours a day and can be taken out before meals.
  3. They reduce the risk of infections
    It can be challenging to clean crooked teeth. Even if you floss and brush every day, it still may not be enough. Misaligned teeth can harbour bacteria and plaque biofilm, so it should come as no surprise to learn that they are more vulnerable to gum disease and tooth decay than straight ones. Hence, it's better to wear removable clear braces to reduce the risk of infection and keep teeth safe.
  4. They make brushing and flossing easier
    Invisalign aligners are removable, making them easier to care for than braces. They also don’t have any fixed wires to clean around or under, making brushing and flossing a breeze. All you need to do to clean the aligners is brush them with lukewarm water. This gets rid of accumulated bacteria and debris.
  5. They are safe and comfortable
    Invisalign clear aligners have smooth removable trays, allowing users to play musical instruments, participate in contact sports, and take part in other activities that may not be an option with wire braces.
  6. They require less maintenance
    When you wear clear aligners, you spend less time at your dentist/orthodontist’s office as they only need maintenance every six weeks. Traditional teeth straightening options require regular appointments and considerable time getting them fixed.
    Overall, Invisalign offers many benefits over conventional braces, and although the treatment may cost slightly more, it is well worth the investment. They are comfortable to wear, pose fewer risks to gums and teeth, and give its wearers beautiful smiles. Anyone considering these comfortable and almost invisible teeth aligners in Brampton or other parts of Canada should consult their dentist to determine if they are a good candidate.
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