Welcome back to the vortex this is episode three tests three and we're going to do a run with all 15 questions this is a game show a trivia game show a different theme every time and as you guys did today's theme of Star Wars we're going to do five questions per round each round the questions get harder so the first question for round one is what is the name of Han Solo's ship what is the name of Han Solo's ship the second question who used a lightsaber in the cantina who used a lightsaber in the cantina question 3 who was the Jedi Master Luke Skywalker looked for on the planet Dagobah number four what actor portrayed Lando Calrissian and the fifth question last question for round one which villain put the bounty on Han Solo now most of those are pretty easy questions a lot of people might know those off the top of their head round to the questions get a little harder so here we go number six what did Luke fire into the Death Star to destroy it question number 7 what substance was Han Solo frozen into question number 8 what creatures did the rebels ride on the surface of the planet Hoth question number 9 what relation are Luke and Leia to each other and question number 10 is who destroys the Emperor all right once again that's wrong too questions are a little harder you may or may not know those off the top of your head and here's round three question number one is how was c-3po disassembled Empire Strikes Back question how a c-3po disassembled the next question how long does it take for something to digest in the belly of the Sun lock monster taken directly from the dialogue of Return of the Jedi next question how many biker scalps did Luke and Leia have to fight in the bike chase once again returned the Jedi question and the last excuse me the question number 14 is how big is a womp rat that's directly from Star Wars how big is a womp rat and the last question what was the ID number of the trash compactor that our heroes got trapped in in Star Wars now round three those questions are a little bit harder you'd have to know your Star Wars to know that right off the top of your head in vortex since we're going to play this in the comments section number one please put all your answers into one post that'll make it a lot easier for us to try to pick a winner and then out of all the winners that have out of all the people who have correct answers we will take a random one from most okay so good luck everyone look up your answers if you have to if you already know them you may be putting in comments sooner than other people that won't matter as long as you have all your answers right okay more text test three we
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