RE: BeyondBitcoin Bounties -- Whaleshares "Meta-Token" Logo Contest! (Round 3/3) [1000's of Steem in Prizes!]

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BeyondBitcoin Bounties -- Whaleshares "Meta-Token" Logo Contest! (Round 3/3) [1000's of Steem in Prizes!]

in beyondbitcoin •  8 years ago  (edited)

Hey, I've finally wrapped up another design that's a little bit more simplistic:

I Hope you guys enjoy!

Design note: I was so fed up with seeing only the same whales over and over again so I chose some Orcas and made them even more friendly as they are in real ^_^. It almost seems like they are cuddling with the Bitshares Logo... I also like how the shimmering of the whales turned out. Almost seems like they're made of some marble like material. Whalecuddles for everyone! :)
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