🎇 The Wisdom in Dark Matter and Black Holes: How Authentic is the Bible? 🤠

in bible •  7 years ago  (edited)

Here are some good news/interesting facts for Christians: Science is becoming our friend!

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I was reading an article from NASA recently and I thought they had inserted a quote from the Bible. It sounded like something from Genesis, the first book of the Bible. -But when I realized it wasn't from the bible and that the words came right out of NASA, my jaw dropped!

Genesis starts off with the sequence by which God created the universe. I wanted to see what scientists had to say about how the universe started so I continued reading that NASA article among others. It’s about the mystery of dark matter and dark energy. These are bizarre, invisible properties that make up most of the universe.

Here’s what NASA and the Bible said:

The universe was featureless. As time passed, the first stars formed. Stars collected into galaxies. Galaxies began to cluster together. Those clusters are made up of the galaxies and all the material between the galaxies. Clumps of matter in smashed into each other, and the planets in our solar system began to form around the sun. Something must hold our solar system, galaxies and clusters of galaxies together. And gravity is that "glue." Source

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NASA said that what happened to change the featureless void of the dark universe is that it became organized. Genesis said that God organized it. God started by separating light and darkness. God said “Let there be light.” - And there was light. He got everything organized by separating light from darkness, by separating the sky from ground, then He separated the land from the water and then the plants and animals and so on. Many scientists say that this process of organizing the universe, the galaxies, solar systems and ecosystems was accidental or random/just happened. For a long time, Christians have argued against the idea that the universe is random. I can't even picture something as comparatively simple as a personal computer accidentally snapping itself all together! So how are you going to believe that something as vast as the universe just got itself accidentally crafted? The universe is an extremely complex and artfully designed system. -From the sprawling snowflake cluster of galaxies in the heavens to the lone snowflake falling from the sky.

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So far, these points alone are already striking. It has become evident that the universe did not randomly organize itself. When the universe was young, NASA says, it was nearly smooth and featureless. As it grew older and developed, it became organized. Genesis says God's creation was first without form and void, and darkness was upon the face of the deep. NASA said that what happened to change the featureless void of the dark universe is that it became organized.
Now, it’s been proven that for the universe to continue working, there’s got to be dark matter (some even call it God’s particle) where there’s nothing. - So there’s no actual empty space! Every space between planets, even a “vacuum” seems to be filled with “God’s particles” or dark matter.

In many ways, scientists know more about what dark matter is not, though they do have a few ideas about what it could be. Dark matter possibly could be brown dwarfs, "failed" stars that never ignited because they lacked the mass needed to start burning. Dark matter could be white dwarfs, the remnants of cores of dead small- to medium-size stars. Or dark matter could be neutron stars or BLACK HOLES, the remnants of large stars after they explode.

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"These studies are providing increasingly sensitive results, slowly shrinking the box of parameters where dark matter particles can hide," Kashlinsky said. "The failure to find them has led to renewed interest in studying how well primordial black holes -- black holes formed in the universe's first fraction of a second -- could work as dark matter." Source

It may sound like they’re closing into dark matter but I believe the word of God. Even if they finally discover what exactly dark matter is, it would only generate more questions. For it is written:

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The Fermi Gamma-Ray Space Telescope can detect high-energy gamma rays that may be emitted when dark matter particles collide. Image credit: NASA E/PO, Sonoma State University, Aurore Simonnet. However, problems exist with each of these suggestions. Scientists have strong evidence there aren't enough brown dwarfs or white dwarfs to account for all the dark matter. Black holes and neutron stars, too, are rare. Source

What are Black Holes?

Black holes are essentially “dead stars”. They have consumed all their fuel so there’s no more light emitted but rather they absorb light. They’re analogous to compacted ashes from a fully-burnt campfire. Only that there’s so much gravitational pull that nothing can escape it. -Not even light.

Speaking of black-holes, they too are mentioned in the Bible. - Yes, thousands of years before they’re actually discovered, they’ve been written. Let me show you:

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The Bible proves that the scientific findings are true: Stars in fact die and new stars are born. They are replaced like old clothes! - And for all of these to sustainably happen, a Great Being must’ve calculated many parameters, let alone making a planet earth, not to mention life on it possible.

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Get gravity wrong even slightly and there are no stars in the sky. Have you heard of Fred Hoyle? He’s the astronomer who put the tag on the big bang theory. It’s a theory that says that the universe started with a big bang. Doctor Hoyle said that after studying the data about the universe getting randomly organized, his atheism was “greatly shaken”. He said: “A common-sense interpretation of facts suggests that a super-intellect “Monkeyed with physics as well as with chemistry and biology.” “The numbers one calculates from the facts seem to me so overwhelming as to put this conclusion almost beyond question.”

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Really good research. Science is simply catching up to what the Bible says.

The bible is the universe inside the content you would see the truth about how it works. :)

Pretty cool shit!
Look at God being all awesome and stuff.
Well said.

hello dear your poste is very powerfull & very important for me .

Thank you for posting this. I can see the guidance and the wisdom given by the Lord as you wrote this. I am excited to share this with some friends who I know question God's existence.

Science is beginning to accept some christian beliefs. Its jus the beginning, more to come. Good post!

Thanks for the comment. It's nice to meet more believers here.

This was most entertainment post I've reading today, I'm always thinking about it!

Good read, it's all very interesting and confusing there are so many unanswered questions.

This post has received a 24.17 % upvote from @booster thanks to: @hiroyamagishi.

Have you guys heard of Covenant Creation yet?

It's a concept of the creation story actually being Hebraic poetry for the beginning creation of a covenant people. Genesis 1 may be a Temple Text.

What's a temple text?

Follow my page! I'd love to show you and get your input. It'll be a bit before I get to Genesis topics though.

If you're into funny theology meme, we'll be best friends that disagree on everything.


You might want to share 😊

Any help will do. Let’s spread some love.

Thanks 🙏🏾
One meal a day

Bible will always be authentic! as science goes deeper the more hey will realize how advance bible is in terms of science,I admire those scientist who believes in GOD, like Michio Kaku!

Very interesting


Congrats bro.l like the post. Your post concept was joss.i Amr with you and I will wait for your upcoming post.

A science ever closer to discovering God. I love this God !!! @absolutetruth

I basically agree with the point made here. There is intelligence in the universe. However, I wouldn't go to far in aligning Bible and science because it's a metaphorical book and can be interpreted in numerous ways. Some people quote it to prove the Earth is flat.

Para sa akin po Sir, parang may hidden agenda ang nag create or nag compile ng Bible. Aside from spreading the good news, I think most people are just using it to acquire great power and reputation.

Hi Hiroyamagishi, I was once told that the only true science is the science that proves the truth of the Bible. Nevertheless, the Bible stands as it is written in Isaiah 40:8, "The grass withereth, the flower fadeth: but the word of our God shall stand for ever."

wow, are you from the Philippines? Thanks for posting this. What an informative post

Its good thanks

You're welcome! Enjoy the weekend.

I agree with you bro!

(1Cor. 3:18-20)
The wisdom in this world in this world is foolishness in God's sight...

Sometimes the truth really hurts.. God Bless Us All!