We at the Disciples of Christ are so blessed to announce the release of the book of Matthew, translated using around two thousand year manuscripts.
Here are some example verses, which have been altered over the long years,
Matthew 12:11 - DOC
And so He said to them "who is there among you men, when one of your flock, if they fall down on the sabbath, going up the mountainside, will not go embrace them, lifting them up?"
Matthew 18:11-12 - DOC
11 What do you think? when a family of people has a hundred sheep, if even one of them goes astray, will they not send out the ninety-nine into the countryside to seek after the one who has gone astray? 12 And when they come to find it, truly I tell you, they rejoice over it more than over the ninety-nine that did not go astray.
Here is the link to our webpage with the full book release.
Please note, all books are in draft form at present.