Ban the bible? What? Some say impossible, others quip, "people are worried for nothing and reading too far" into a bill titled Assembly Bill 2943. This bill would make it an unlawful business practice to engage in a transaction intended to result or that results in the sale or any goods or services to a consumer that advertises, offers or engages, or do engage in sexual orientation change efforts with an individual.
Next, this bill defines sexual orientation change efforts as any practices that seek to change individuals sexual orientation. So this would include efforts to change behavior. This clearly goes beyond even regular democrat goals. It encroaches upon basic freedoms!
So which institutions do this? Some churches, ministry efforts trying to reach the people on the Creator's intended purpose for them while destroying the illusion that going against God's Word is okay. It clearly is targeting God's plan and teachings. It is an attack on what many call religious beliefs.
I do not like the word "religious beliefs" as it is a purposely constructed word by a godless society. as I don't put trust in religion or institutions, but rather in the Creator so I see it far more concerning than an attack on religion, it is really an attack on the one true God. Our Creator who created us in His image, not in the image of the baphomet and not in a way that condones confusion as to ones anatomy. That being said, I do understand that we have to incorporate society's constructed words as those are what are used in the writing of law, though they do not reflect the true relationship of a Creator with His creation and the age old desire and plan of satan to destroy God's creation.
Remember, before his fall he was the most beautiful in God's eyes, then along came. . .us, humans. This is why there is an attack not only on our biology, but also upon our most innocent and vulnerable. What joy it gives satan to destroy them by ways of abuse, death and the trading of their tissues and organs as Planned Parenthood does. This is why the tampering, propaganda and encouragement to "improve" upon God's creation exists and will be promoted in a variety of ways including "gender dysphoria," encouraging children and humanity to be confused about who they are. Think about that and how it raises the rate of dissatisfaction, discontent, a feeling of hopelessness. Who does this help? Not the Creator who wanted the best for His creation. Not humanity as God's design was not discontentment and hopelessness, but rather a hope in Him and His perfect plan. God is for us, not against us.
Here is a wonderful song I feel depicts this perfectly!
Titled, Drops in the Ocean by Hawk Nelson
People must start waking up to the fact that there is nothing new under the sun. Satan has promoted going against God's design from the beginning. Laboratories have been mixing, tampering and cloning DNA. All for advancement some may say! Is it all for that purpose or is satan working on the goal he has always had and demonstrated. . .tamper with God's design, God's special creation that does not include him? We must all be aware satan wants people in his image, that of the baphomet which has fluidity in gender. Satan's design is for man to no longer procreate. . .thus ending God's creation continuing by God's design, but rather through satan's distorted, destructive plan. Satan will still create in other words, but only through his design of tampering with the human genome as geneticists advocate or mixing it with that of AI so one can have their own superpowers and usurp God as satan has tried to do.
Here is the baphomet, you can do a duckduckgo search to find out more. The baphomet is made up of both female and male parts. This is where their goal of gender fluidity comes from. The Kabbalah believes perfect attainment is to be both female and male. This is a lie perpetuated by the deceiver himself to confuse people and make them second guess their Creator.
Which would you choose? To be the sons and daughters of God or satan? This goes beyond adults, this agenda is actively targeting the most vulnerable in our society so they can have their way and instruct children in the manner of "do as thou wilt," rather than what God says.
There are two other bills out there and California is trying to prevent churches and foster parents from being able to tell their kids there is another way when they are having gender dysphoria.
Why are they not allowed to hear both options as isn't "freedom of choice" what these elitist progressives tout? Why does the state seek to encroach upon churches' and parents' rights? Where is their "freedom of choice?" Is that phrase only exclusive to the elite or those agreeing with them on only a pre-established "set of Their choices?"
Is it not a red flag when the elitist politicians in a historically liberal run state attempt to force their ways and laws upon us? Should we not be able to decide what we teach our own children? Why are they determining how We the People parent and instruct our own children given to Us by God and Not to Them? Why are adult choices limited to what the state says can be used to comfort, guide or instruct adults seeking God's guidance?
This stems from an agenda California has been trying to push forward for years. They have done so in groups like NAMBLA. As stated before in my youtube news reports, their name says it all. . .North American Man Boy Love Association. Just saying it makes you ask really? Why is this allowed to be vocalized and exist as an organized group right out in the open?
Some will say freedom of thought and expression. Freedom for one stops where another's begin. In other words by definition of the word "boy," they are not old enough to decide whether to engage in sexual activity because they are too young to make that decision. God placed parents in charge of children to guide and direct them. To show them what is best for them. Is a pedophile going to have the boy's best interests in mind or their own best interests?
So now we must ask, whose best interest does it serve to take the rights out of the hands of parents for a child to navigate
Guess where they are based? New York City and San Francisco.
The North American Man/Boy Love Association (NAMBLA) is a pedophile and pederasty advocacy organization in the United States. It works to abolish age-of-consent laws criminalizing adult sexual involvement with minors[2][3] and campaigns for the release of men who have been jailed for sexual contacts with minors that did not involve coercion.[2][4] The group no longer holds regular national meetings, and as of the late 1990s—to avoid local police infiltration—the organization discouraged the formation of local chapters.[4][5] Around 1995, an undercover detective discovered there were 1,100 people on the organization's rolls.[4] In 1997, NAMBLA was the largest group in IPCE, an international pro-pedophile activist organization.[6] Since then, the organization has dwindled to only a handful of people, with many members joining online pedophile networks such as DanPedo, BoyChat, and Annabelleigh, according to Xavier Von Erck, director of operations at the anti-pedophile organization Perverted-Justice.[7] As of 2005, a newspaper report stated that NAMBLA was based in New York and San Francisco.
NAMBLA's website states that it is a political, civil rights, and educational organization whose goal is to end "the extreme oppression of men and boys in mutually consensual relationships".[8] According to NAMBLA, some of the organization's positions are:
Supporting and promoting man/boy relationships: the organization says that when consensual, these relationships are not harmful or amount to child sexual abuse. They cite a controversial paper by Rind et al.;[9]
Age of consent reform: what NAMBLA describes as "empowerment of youth in all areas, not just the sexual";[8]
Opposition to corporal punishment, kidnapping and rape.[10]
In achieving these goals, NAMBLA aims to co-operate with the mainstream LGBT community and women's liberation movements.[8]
Onell R. Soto, a San Diego Union-Tribune writer, wrote in February 2005, "Law enforcement officials and mental health professionals say that while NAMBLA's membership numbers are small, the group has a dangerous ripple effect through the Internet by sanctioning the behavior of those who would abuse children".[4]
If you stand for the protection of children as I do, protecting their innocence, their rights rather than the rights of predators, then just reading NAMBA's information makes you sick to your stomach.
They are not the only group of this sort out there. I encourage you to do your own research. Other groups like PIE, which stands for pedophile exchange network . A news show in Australia did a couple of segments on them a few years back. It is my goal to bring this light. . . predators openly condoning preying upon children while justifying it as, "loving intentions" or "not seeking harm, but closeness with the child." My other goal along with that of other independent news reporters, is to take on the responsibility for exposing the blatant agenda (their name alone tells you) of groups like this who have been allowed to function out in the open and by any parent's definition are trying to justify sexual relations with children! In other words, predatory practices on children for their own perverted gains. They want people to normalize their feelings and not call it perverted. People must be made aware, band together and make a clear stand against this!
Remember the NYT article boldly titled, Peophilia a Disorder not a Crime by Margo Caplan .
What is the obvious goal here? Clearly it will allow predators to perpetrate and pass it off as an illness so they don't have to take responsibility for a crime. Couldn't believe this article existed, then God reminded me, "what is the deceiver's goal? Deception, destruction, destroy mankind from the inside out.
Here is the article link
If you begin your own search as to whether this agenda is being actively and aggressively pushed forward you should look at articles like Salon and groups like Heart Progress who promote pedophiles. Some even have stories concerning pedophile practices and fantasies to promote their desired "lifestyle choice" in which they seek to title MAP's (minor attracted persons) or pedosexual in which they would like to take on to the LGBTQ agenda as the letter P. I have covered them in previous video reports.
My youtube channel has many actual arrests and reports demonstrating that pedophilia and ritualistic abuse cases are not just isolated ones, but rather a world wide epidemic. These reports go back for over a year with some local sources, national and global stories. This evil only prevails when good people don't stand up, acknowledge it and stop it. The antidote to this darkness is light. . .shed a light on it, spread awareness. You will find my youtube channel link at the bottom of this article.
Here are two links below to reports I did on this PIE network last year. You can see just how few there are that realize this exists along with the fact that places like Google, who have been protective of groups like this over those making parents aware, bury these types of reports in their search results. This demonstrates a need for all those on the side of good to work together to get this information out by any means possible.
What you can do;
Share this article or any of the videos within.
Write your own summary
Start your own youtube channel, do facebook videos or write a blog on one of the many free blog sites.
Get the truth out there any way you can because we can make a difference!
Engage, discuss and point out the evil along with the truth on any platform you can.
Help Wake People Up! This is the Great Awakening! God wants this evil exposed and stopped!
A Pedophile Ring for the Privileged and Powerful Biggest Political Scandal Establishment cover-ups
Children can give consent for sexual relationship at age of 4 according to PIE. REALLY?
Remember they may control a majority of the media, but there are many out there waking up and seeing their propaganda and push to usher in the NWO and anti-christ agenda. You are a soldier in this fight. You are desperately needed!
David J. Harris Jr. does an excellent report on this bill. He also points out the fact that there seems to be no spotlight on the Koran. Why is that? They promote stoning those involved in the homosexual/trans lifestyle while Christians and those believing in the bible support guidance and telling about God's ways. . .absolutely no punishment by death.
He also attends to the Muslim Brotherhood infiltration and their discipleship in telling their followers it's okay to lie if it furthers the purpose.
Reminds me of all the infiltration Obama allowed to place people affiliated with the Muslim Brotherhood in places of prominence where they are able to influence and push forward their agenda.
He points out how people like Linda Sarsour are allowed to speak freely and attempt furthering her agenda though her belief in Sharia Law does not allow for the gay, lesbian, transgender lifestyle. No attempt to guide and love them, but rather kill them.
Harris believes this is just one of the indicators we are all fighting a spiritual battle. He is correct.
Ephesians 6:12 states, For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.
Here is David J Harris Jr's video titled, California wants to ban the Bible? It is excellent!
Here is the only independent news network out there OAN One America News Network dedicated to spreading truth, not propaganda s the other news organizations who are all owned by just 6 or 7 corporations. Here is a segment with Travis Allen, who is running for Governor of California. He states, "as this bill is written, it would ban the Bible!
This California State Assembly bill would BAN the Bible!
According to CBN News, Randy Thomasson, president of and Anne Paulk, executive director of the Restored Hope Network ay proceedings to pass the law are taking place quickly in the state.
"AB 2943 has two state Senate committees to go through before a floor vote," Thomasson told CBN News via email. "But the Democrat legislators seem to be fast-tracking this, so the Democrat-controlled California State Senate could pass AB 2943 as soon as late May."
"I heard the goal would be to have the governor potentially sign the bill in June," Paulk shared.
'What Happens in California Rarely Stays in California'
Paulk, a former lesbian who received help from her church and other Christian resources, believes once the law is passed in California it could be adopted in other states.
"What happens in California rarely stays in California," she explained. "It's usually the set-up for the next state. Usually based upon liberal states. So they will target Washington, Oregon, Massachusetts and essentially states with a little more liberal thinking. But eventually, it will invade even the Bible belt."
She is so apt in stating this and gives everyone something to really think about! "She oversees about 58 ministries across the U.S. that work to help people overcome unwanted same-sex attraction and said the intent of the bill was always toward the Church.
"There is a lot of power in California and they are wielding that power," she said. "The actual objective is to silence the Church in helping people leave homosexuality. If it starts there it won't stop there."
"If you surrender on the area of human sexuality and homosexuality you actually surrender the rights of the Church to hold standards in any begin to erode the discipleship and integrity of the Body of Christ," she added.
What's Next?"
To read more see
So where does this leave all of us and our responsibility if we are the Called to fight against this war which seeks not only to corrode our beliefs, but us guiding our children and the generations coming after us in God's ways? Who will Stand, if not us? Who is going to take on each battle? It becomes not a choice, but a command our duty!
1Timothy 6:12
Fight the good fight of faith, lay hold on eternal life, whereunto thou art also called, and hast professed a good profession before many witnesses.
Romans 8:31
“What shall we then say to these things? If God be for us, who can be against us?”
Joshua 24:15
And if it seem evil unto you to serve the Lord, choose you this day whom ye will serve; whether the gods which your fathers served that were on the other side of the flood, or the gods of the Amorites, in whose land ye dwell: but as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.
We all must choose not to only know this is wrong, but stand, be vocal, be heard! I and others who understand this evil is clearly and boldly trying to gain traction. You let them in, you let them win, it will only spread.
Here is my youtube channel
Please let me know your thoughts and comments. Godspeed to all Patriots, those passionate about the fight for good. Stay strong, be courageous and Be Heard! We the People can only be We the People if we fight for it, uphold it! Where We Go One We Go All!