The odd thing with Biden is that I can't point to a moment in the last few years wherein he's told the God's honest truth; but, he's one of those weird figures that I can put on a spectrum and play a game with myself to see if I can figure out which bucket his falsehoods fall into.
There's a bucket of flat-out lying, of course. There's a bucket of grandpa moments. And there's a bucket of "a little from column A and a little from column B."
The, "eight bullets in a round." statement was clearly a moment of his brain not working properly.
The whole story about him seeing two men kissing in 1959, and his dad giving him a talk about how that's just love and that's all that matters, is clearly and obviously a lie. I mean, it's so blatant a lie that it's hilarious that anybody thought that anybody would buy it.
The, "A 9mm bullet will rip your lung from your body." comment is probably a little from column A and a little from column B.
Playing this game with myself is pretty much the only way I can listen to the guy talk.