Who thinks Biden will be allowed to debate?

in biden •  5 years ago 

The notion that Biden possesses the mental soundness to have a debate is basically inconceivable, which is just another example of the train wreck which the Democrat Party has become. They’re even worse than Establishment Republicans, which is no small feat.

They’re barely campaigning at all, which is not really surprising considering who their nominee is. But it’s weird nonetheless... almost as if they know there’s not going to be an election. Why would that be? Much worse rioting and urban violence funded by the usual suspects? A major new manufactured crisis or false flag attack?

We are witnessing the biggest and fastest phases yet of an attempted totalitarian takeover of the US and the rest of the formerly free Western world, and the reason why it’s happening is because far too few people recognized earlier major phases such as World War I, World War II, the Kennedy assassinations, 9/11, the Patriot Act, and the phony “War on Terror.”

Now it’s more obvious than ever, with the mega scam of the plandemic and the totally unnecessary destruction of the economy, which will eventually morph into much more homelessness and chronic food shortages... and perhaps even a cancelled election.

This time around, more people than ever are recognizing the fact that we’re being scammed yet again by our “leaders”... almost all of whom work for the globalist criminal cabal which is trying to impose a technocratic authoritarian tyranny worldwide.

But it might be too little too late, since a large segment of the population still actually believes the propaganda from mainstream media... the institution which told us that Pearl Harbor was a surprise attack, that Oswald killed JFK, that North Vietnam attacked the USS Maddox, that Sirhan killed RFK, that repealing Glass Steagall was a good idea, that nineteen bozos with boxcutters directed by a Saudi caveman in Afghanistan pulled off 9/11, and that Iraq had WMDs.

If the long term stealth coup is successful and a global plutocratic authoritarian tyranny is permanently imposed on humanity, and if someone in the universe eventually writes an accurate history, the biggest causal factors will be too many people believing mainstream media and abdicating their responsibility to think for themselves, along with a complete inability to recognize intra-species klepto predators.

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