Mr. Biden said Vladimir Putin would “pay a price” for Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. Of his economic plans, he said, “I have another way to fight inflation: Lower your costs, not your wages.”
President Biden used his first State of the Union address on Tuesday night to condemn President Vladimir V. Putin of Russia, rally global support for the besieged country of Ukraine and convince Americans that his administration has made progress toward a Covid-free time of economic and social prosperity.
The hourlong address, delivered to a mostly maskless audience of lawmakers and others in the House chamber, was in some ways two separate speeches: The first half focused on the war unfolding in Europe, followed by a second half aimed at reviving his stalled domestic policy agenda in Washington.
Mr. Biden drew bipartisan standing ovations from some declarations, including comments on the need to fund the police, keep schools open and support Ukraine. But Republicans sat, stone-faced, on their hands when the president called for more spending on child care and criticized a Trump-era tax cut.
Representative Lauren Boebert, Republican of Colorado, interrupted Mr. Biden twice, once when she tried to start a “Build the Wall!” chant during remarks about immigration, and again when she suggested that Mr. Biden put service members killed in Afghanistan in graves, yelling: “You put them in — 13 of them!”
The beginning sent a message to Russia.
The president began his speech with Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, speaking even as bombs continued to fall on Kyiv, that nation’s capital. For Mr. Biden, the moment was in some ways the culmination of decades of experience in foreign policy as a senator, vice president and now president.
He vowed to make Mr. Putin “pay a price” for the invasion, and he announced that he would ban Russian planes from flying over the United States. He asserted forcefully that Mr. Putin would regret the decision to send his forces across a sovereign border.
“He badly miscalculated,” Mr. Biden said. “He thought he could roll into Ukraine and the world would roll over. Instead, he met with a wall of strength he never anticipated or imagined. He met the Ukrainian people.”