Fuck It, Before It Fucks You #113 (Take that one to heart.)

in bidensbullshit •  4 years ago 

Hey what’s up party people in the hizzy and whatnot? It’s Thursday morning here in my part of the world and whatever part of the world you’re in can go fuck itself honestly. Especially if you’re also in my part of the word. In any case it’s time for me to write another blog. And what is there to write about? Well I’ve had some thoughts. I’ve jotted some stuff down. Now we’ll just have to see how it all comes out. So, without further ado……

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So I’ve been seeing a lot of memes this week of the President and his wife being all lovey-dovey with each other, and frankly it’s rather irritating. And I’ll put my bias on the table. I’ve been chronically single for a long minute now, so I’m kind of jealous of everyone who gets to kiss someone. But did we elect this guy just to kiss his wife and drop bombs? I guess we probably did huh? That’s all the President’s job really is just to put on a show and sign what he’s told to.
Now for myself, if this is the show he’s putting on, I am not impressed. I guess they’re trying to make a point of how much more loving they are than the Trumps. The problem for me is that in the last 40 years, I don’t recall once ever giving a single, solitary fuck about the relationship between the President and his wife. I don’t care if nuts in her hair and she uses it as a gel. It’s got nothing to do with me. People are starving, losing their homes, and getting fuck all from their democrat controlled government. Just another impeachment trial that went nowhere. But of course they knew it would, and they don’t really want to stop Trump from running again. They need the specter of Trump out there to scare the “Left” into continuing to elect them so they can keep doing favors for their corporate masters while doing nothing of substance for the people.
But speaking of performative romance. I’m hearing that sex robots are becoming more of a thing now. Doesn’t surprise me really. Will probably only take a few more lockdowns until there’s widespread demand. I think it’s still mostly frowned upon, but the more scared people are of actual human contact, the more it will come to be seen as socially irresponsible not to have one. So eventually most people will give up on human connection and their sex robots will send their DNA back to a lab where new humans get manufactured. That’s just my conspiracy theory for the week though. I’m not saying it’s going to happen, I’m just saying I have a very active imagination and I don’t put anything past sociopaths. If population control is going to happen, it will be like that.
And in other news noted conservative radio talk show host Rush Limbaugh died of lung cancer recently. Which is good news particularly for the transgender community since his grave-site is expected to also serve as a gender neutral bathroom. But I’m not here to hate on Rush Limbaugh. Don’t get me wrong. He was a piece of shit, and it’s always good to have one less of those in the world. But I feel like it’s just bad karma to celebrate someone’s death. It’s better to try to remember them fondly. I know, I hear you. You’re saying “What? How can you have fond memories of this piece of shit?” And I’ll tell you. My fondest memories of Rush Limbaugh are all when he revealed what a piece of shit he was. See the problem is that most pieces of shit don’t want to let you know they’re pieces of shit. But Rush was a huge steaming pile of dog shit when he read off the names of deceased AIDS patients and celebrated. I remember more recently when he suggested that a woman should have to let everyone watch her have sex if she can’t afford to pay for birth control. What I like about that one is he also revealed that he didn’t have a clue how birth control works. I guess he thought you take a pill ever time you fuck? But my absolute favorite moments from people are like this is when they shamelessly reveal their hypocrisy. So my fondest memory of Rush Limbaugh is the time he came out as a drug addict, and continued to shame drug addicts. So no, I’m not gonna celebrate his death. But I am happy that we won’t be hearing from that particular piece of shit anymore. Rest in piss Rush….. I mean peace. Did I say piss? Ah fuck it, before it fucks you.

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