Bigg Boss is a reality show where a 15+ contestant will be locked in a house and need to be there for 100 days without Mobile Phone, Tv or a connectivity with the outside environment. This show was telecasted in multiple languages, in Tamil it was host by Kamal Hassan. The first part was already done and the second part almost came to an end there is about only 15 days more. But People finds many difference and Embarrassment on watching the second part.
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First part has a set of peoples where only some of their names were damaged because of their activities and behavior. But Many got a big future after the end, Oviya, one of the contestants in Bigg Boss 1 she was not that much familiar before the Big Boss entry but after entering the house as days passes she got famous among peoples and there are certain people who watched Big Boss only for her. The reach was tremendous for her and even peoples started Ovita Army to support her.
Source: Tamil123
Likewise, Harish Kalyan and Raiza Wilson were also the contestants of Big Boss 1, after the end, they together acted in the film Pyaar Prema Kadhal and that was a decent hit for the Debutants. But in Big Boss 2 Most of the contestants were not famous to the people that made the first drawback for the show. The second thing is there is no unity among the contestants, there are backstabbing their close ones.
Then the important thing is some of the contestants are trying to imitate the BB1 contestant, Especially most of them try to imitate Oviya to become famous like her. Only a few withstand with their own attitude and character. People also think that Kamal Sir is not giving that much concern about the show as he is busy with his films and politics. This makes a bad impression for the audience towards the show. Recently Moodar koodam director Naveen tweeted that" Welcome my friend Sendrayan, take care of our real life it is better for you to come out of that house".
Source: Indiaglitz
Even though some of them were good and behaving themselves the show still runs successfully. But the attitude and the behavior is worst and that may create a black mark for them in cine industry. Contestants may enter the house to become famous among the people but they should realize that it depends on their attitude and behavior with others.
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