Review of After America by Mark Steyn

in big •  2 years ago 

The American Empire has been declining for over two decades, now going the same way as the British Empire, where the sun never sets. However, Mark Steyn has written a book on the disintegration of western civilization caused by moving in the direction of a statist world order under the progressive liberal bureaucracy. America has become a debtor nation, living on borrowed money and time for too long. Steyn is only the messenger who is sending the message about global big government intrusion into everyone's life by creating dependency on the state. His book covers many areas, and he writes with clarity on several subjects of interest, but the first half of his book will be analyzed here.

The picture you are at the start of the turn of the century, moving into the 20th century, a time traveler. You are a man from 1890 and have moved forward via time machine to the present day and were surprised by the changes in society for better or worse. On Page 40, when America Alone comes out, Steyn argues that the current conflict is about the demographic decline and globalization, which began with the George W. Bush presidency. The nation is now paying for the consequences of his actions long after the end of his time in the White House. Rome had the barbarians at the gate of her Empire, but America had them inside. Mark Steyn complains about where the country is heading, which, according to him, is in the wrong direction. He backs his arguments up with facts on the current situation that has led to the rise of the Trump phenomenon and Brexit.

Mark Steyn was born in Canada and is controversial on many issues. By covering the demographic decline of Europe and the West, he says,” We hard-heated small government guys are often damned as selfish types who care nothing for the general welfare of society.”P.106. This is right regarding what is happening in this century and is leading to the end of the American dream. For many people in the United States, it is best to work on this subject, as Steyn suggests.

He is one of my favorite authors because he states the truth regarding the decline of the western breakdown of civilization and explains what's going on in the world without American leadership. A financial collapse is coming, which indulgent populations, who think the government is the answer for everything, have ignored for too long. Steyn explores an

The out-of-touch progressive Liberal establishment that can only end in Armageddon for the world. This book is worth a read and is one of Mark Steyn’s great works.


After America: Get Ready for Armageddon: Mark Steyn ... -

  1. We hard-hearted small-government guys are often damned as selfish types who care nothing for the general welfare. But, as the protests in Greece, France, Britain, and beyond make plain, nothing makes an individual more selfish than the generous collectivism of big government: give a chap government health care, government-paid vacation, government-funded early retirement, and all the other benefits, and the last thing he’ll care about is what it means for society as a whole. People’s sense of entitlement endures long after the entitlement ceases to make sense. And if it bankrupts the entire state a generation from now, so what? — P.106

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