"The expert on strange phenomena, and also the leader of operations for the Romanian State, Cezar Brad, is the “hero” of the shocking events that occurred in the Bucegi Mountains. He also had two memorable meetings with a leading representative of the Illuminati, and top Bilderberg member."
"The 1954 Bilderberg Meeting was the first Bilderberg meeting. It had participants from European countries and the United States. All were male. The 63 guests included 20 business executives, 22 politicians, 4 financiers, 2 editors/journalists and 3 academics."
UFO in Jerusalem
"an alien entity known as the Black Sun."
"CM returned to this planet in 1954"
"On the night and early hours of February 20-21, 1954, while on a ‘vacation’ to Palm Springs, California, President Dwight Eisenhower went missing and allegedly was taken to Edwards Air force base for a secret meeting."
"The book “Stranger at the Pentagon” tells us a very peculiar story about an extraterrestrial on a mission. His name was Valiant Thor and many believe that he was real. 8:00 AM, March 16, 1957."
"UFO ‘truthers’ claim that an underground facility under Dulce, New Mexico is manned by aliens who carry out extreme experiments, including the creation of freakish extra-terrestrial-human hybrids."
"While Estulin identifies some of the Bilderberg Group’s key players, he only captures the surface layer of the Bilderberg Group’s origins and goals.
The deeper secret justification for the Bilderberg Group’s creation was to encourage global cooperation in response to a perceived long term threat known to the key actors in forming the Bilderberg Group: the Rockefeller brothers; Prince Bernhard of the Netherlands; and a key Rockefeller protégé, Henry Kissinger. This long term threat was only shared on a need-to-know basis, and emanated from World War II events involving Nazi Germany’s advanced technology programs. Events which Nelson Rockefeller and Kissinger were deeply involved – the existence of extraterrestrial life and technology."
"In the run up to World War II, German secret societies and the Nazi SS were guided to three large caverns in Antarctica by Reptilian extraterrestrials, according to former U.S. Navy intelligence operative William Tompkins."
"The spies revealed that Reptilian extraterrestrials had helped Hitler’s regime establish a base in Antarctica during the war and guided the Germans to precise locations where they could establish a large base—Admiral Donitz’s impregnable Shangri-la from which the Germans could one day rebound from their impending military defeat in Europe: “The German submarine fleet is proud of having built for the Führer, in another part of the world, a Shangri-La on land, an impregnable fortress.”"
"The ultimate goal of this globally coordinated project is to comprehensively deal with a subject so vast and complex as to dwarf the resources of any one nation – extraterrestrial life and technology."
"Market rumors in Iraq claim that Saddam's supposed allies, the Zarzi aliens, have given futuristic weapons to Baathist commandos who are fanatically loyal to the ousted dictator.
According to the souk (market) tales, a UFO crashed in Iraq either during the first Gulf War in 1991 or in December 1998. The alien survivors were brought before Saddam Hussein, who gave them sanctuary in Iraq. In return, the aliens used their technology to build several large underground bases for Saddam and to provide the help he needed to ward off his enemies--the USA, UK and Israel."
Iran Says 'Tall, White' Space Aliens Control America
"RUSSIAN submarines are fighting a secret war with "alien" craft deep under the oceans, according to top secret Kremlin documents."
"There was also a race of beings that looked REPTILIAN and were noticeably smaller than a normal human. Admiral Byrd said the name of this amazing place in Hollow Earth was called “AGARTHA”."
"With Russia and the U.S. on opposite sides in the war over the Stargates in Syria, and China now moving to enter the fray we have the stage set for a WWIII or whatever number you want to give it."
"The Inner Earth Races allowed the Imperial Germans to found a colony in the Inner Earth. There are Hollow Earth maps of the Third Reich that portray the entire Inner Earth of Agharta.
The Imperial Germans have been watching over us since the end of World War 2. The Zionist Occupied Governments orchestrated war after war, revolution after revolution worldwide to install their One World Order. The Imperial Germans have since grown in size and its capital city, New Berlin, has now up to 3.5 million inhabitants.
The Imperial Germans have been in contact with the Aldebaranic Aryans from the Taurus Constellation and are a Type 1 Stellar Civilization in our Solar System."
"In March, astrophysicist Eric W. Davis, who spent years working as a consultant for the Pentagon UFO program and is now a defense contractor, gave a classified briefing to the Defense Department on what he called “off-world vehicles not made on this earth.” In other words, spaceships."
"The core concept in the Illuminati belief system, according to Jones, is that humanity was created by a group of ancient astronauts, and global elites are the direct descendents of these extraterrestrials or creator ‘gods’."
"Archon Network
“1. Reptilians aka Lizzies (Draco in command)
Insectoids (higher executives)
Tall Whites aka ”doctors” (executives)
Regular Grays (workers)
Small Grays (abduction-oriented probes / semirobots)”"
Queen Elizabeth ‘Shapeshifting’ On Live TV Goes Viral
"Alleged sightings of Queen Elizabeth shapeshifting in reptilian form exploded across the UK on Saturday as the oldest and longest reigning monarch in British history held official celebrations for her 90th birthday."