Judges Tito Gallegos, Luis Legia and Tony Changarai of the Superior Court of Justice of Ica have ruled that the COVID-19 pandemic was created by Bill Gates, George Soros, and the Rockefeller family.
Let’s pause and analyze all of that. A nation’s high court has ruled that billionaire elites have created and disseminated a deadly virus in their bid for population control. These are leaders of a country. We have to assume they are aware of the weight of their words and the potential pushback from other world leaders and even citizens of their own country.
Here’s a link that covers the story:
To me, the position they hold and the risk they are consciously undertaking with such an assertion, MUST be examined further. However, the immediate response we see from many online news outlets is a well-rehearsed demonization campaign.
Here’s a link that clearly borrows from the first link, but goes extra hard to try to discredit the ruling and the judges: https://www.archyde.com/a-peruvian-court-indicted-bill-gates-soros-and-roc/
At the end of it they make sure to add that another Peruvian court has now opened an investigation into the Judges’ affairs.
Why is another court now opening an investigation into the other affairs of these judges? It’s a clear attempt to delegitimize and discredit these Judges; who by all other accounts have been upstanding, honorable men who perform their duties without bias. Now all of a sudden when they shine a light in a direction that’s clearly not in alignment with the ideas that are being disseminated from the world “health” “leaders”, their character and career must come into question?? Why is the immediate response to try and prove these Judges wrong; to discredit & demonize?? Why not at least follow up on their deliberated ruling? The only reason that makes sense is that they are afraid those Judges and the “conspiracy theorists” will prove themselves right yet again.
Irene Diamond (centre in red) with from left George Soros, David Rockefeller, William Gates III, Brooke Astor, Ted Turner and Leonore Annenberg at the first Andrew Carnegie Medals of Philanthropy Awards ceremony. Photograph: Timothy A Clary/AFP/Getty Images
Those global elites mentioned in the Peruvian court ruling have sweeping media control. They and their networks control every major media outlet and will use them to sway public opinion in one way or another. We know it. We can see and measure the effects of it. It’s quantifiable. But somehow people are still willing to go along with a discreditation campaign to silence those people that dare lift their heads to question the cloud of influence.
“We have nothing to lose but our chains.” — Karl Marx, Assata Shakur
At this point, if Bill Gates and the rest of them don’t come out and condemn the statements as false, if they continue to choose to ignore the claims, the evidence, then they are admitting guilt.
Question Everything.