Futures Trading Dashboard for binance

in binance •  11 months ago 

I had worked a nice dashboard to track PNL and positions of futures trading , and it is very easy to deploy


Trading Dashboard

Screenshot 2021-11-01 at 18 28 41

Getting started

  • Clone this repository.
  • Create a fresh new API on Binance, with only read rights.
  • In the config folder, edit the api-keys.js and put your new api key/secret.
  • From the root, run yarn install or npm install (one single time)
  • From the root, run yarn start or npm start

Currently only Binance and Futures are supported.

API weight usage

  • Account: Fetching account information cost 5 weight

  • Trades: The initial fetch cost 7 days * 8 chunks * 5 weight = 280 weight. After the initial fetch, it will cost max 8 chunks * 5 weight = 40 weight / minute

  • Income: The initial fetch cost 7 days * 3 chunks * 30 weight = 630 weight. After the initial fetch, it will cost max 3 chunks * 30 weight = 90 weight / minute

  • Total weight consumption: First load of the page 915 weight, after that every minute your data is refreshed automatically and consumes 135 weight / minute.

  • Reminder: Binance API allows you to consume up to 1200 weight / minute / IP.

With Docker

  • Clone this repository.

  • Create a fresh new API on Binance, with only read rights.

  • In the config folder, edit the api-keys.js and put your new api key/secret.

  • biuld the docker image
    docker build -t binance .

  • run the application
    docker compose up -d

  • Your Application is avilave on http://x.xx.xxx.xxxx:8086

    There is no Security so your app will be open , if you are using this on a publicly reachable IP address , make sure you use nginx/apache config to ask for credentials

Currently only Binance and Futures are supported.

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