Albert Einstein once said, "If the bee disappears from the surface of the globe, then man would have only four years to live. If there were no bees, there would be no pollen, there would be no plants, there would be no more. animals, so man would no longer exist.
Bee is a master craftsman who possesses all the elements of a genius at work: delicate precision, incredible instincts, and a work ethic unmatched by almost any living creature. Only one bee can pollinate 30 flowers in a minute.
If you want to improve the quality and production of your fruit, vegetable, or flower garden, try to keep a bee swarm as close to the garden as possible and see what happens.
In addition to pollination, bees produce some of the most nutritious superfoods in the world, and are the only insects that produce food for human consumption. These include bee pollen, honey, propolis and milkweed. These superfoods are directly related to longevity, healing the body, improving athletic performance, increasing cognitive abilities, as well as a general improvement in the quality of life for those who consume them.
Thank you!