Liz Parrish is willing to face death to cure aging. A champion for human longevity. She is our hope for humanity.
A large amount of the population is aging rapidly and priority must be taken in order to restore the youth of these people. Will we have enough doctors and nurses to take care of all of them? Seriously, a zombie outbreak of old people is coming.
You yourself will eventually turn… unless we as a society do something! As soon as possible! We need a cure! But, how does one cure aging?
Liz Parrish proposes possibly the best solution of all… Gene Therapy. A humanitarian and the CEO of the biotechnology company BioViva Sciences, she wants to use Gene Therapy to cure aging and bring these therapies to the mass public as soon as possible.
She’s legit too. She has undergone gene therapy herself. She’s living proof of the technology’s potential. A living legacy. Would any other CEO or any world leader for that matter, put their life on the line for the benefit of the entire populations’ health? (Think about that for a second)
On September 15th, 2015, Liz Parrish became the first human to edit two genes in her genome with the goal of age reversal.
How this was accomplished was by utilizing a hacked AAV virus (adeno-associated virus) which was reprogrammed to not self-replicate and instead used as a vector to install “corrected genes” into her cells. The AAV virus only affects moths and is completely harmless to humans. The AAV virus was injected into several areas of her body. From there the virus travels within her body, goes inside her cells, and installs a “correct” gene inside the chromosomes of her cell.
The first corrected gene is the “follistatin (FST)”. A “myostatin inhibitor” is installed into her gene. This facilitates the creation special proteins that help promotes muscle growth and increases stamina. Humans normally start to lose muscle and gain more fat as they get older because myostatin proliferate and these decrease the muscles in your body. Thus by “inhibiting” myostatin, the process of muscle loss ceases and muscle growth is reactivated. At the age of 45, she is expected to restore her muscles and lower her fat cells.
The second corrected gene is the “telomerase reverse transcriptase” (hTERT) through telomere induction. Correcting this gene helps create an enzyme that has the effect of re-lengthening telomeres in human cells. Telomeres monitor proper cell division. When we are younger our cells divide smoothly and are more active in protecting our bodies. As we age our telomeres get shorter the more and more they divide. Older cells no longer divide properly and get filled with junk and errors. Once all telomeres are gone, the cell will stop dividing and die.
Through telomere induction, cells are reverted back to their biologically youthful state and resume in the creation normal functioning copies of each other. Cells will replicate thousands of times (normally cell replicate about fifty times) and would maintain their youthful functions permanently.
Source: BioViva Website
The overall logic/big picture concept here is that all diseases such as cancer and heart disease are essentially symptoms of biological aging. By solving aging, we efficiently solve all other diseases, all at the same time.
For far too long, traditional doctors and society as a whole have opted to treat each disease individually. Cancer, diabetes, heart disease, Alzheimer… the list is expansive and in it is too expensive to treat them all. Many families have undergone very harsh financial hardship due to paying for treatments and drugs.
It doesn’t help that the pharmaceutical industrial complex seem more interested in profiting on your families’ disease than actively distributing cures worldwide. Isn't it more profitable to have customers buys 1000s of pills to kind of treat a disease and than to distribute a single purchase cureall?
Liz Parrish and her organization would like to completely overhaul the whole medical paradigm. They want to cure all diseases in the entire world. They want to genetically engineer you in order to accomplish this goal. The intervention that came and really changed your life!
The first step is the biggest. The revolutionary journey towards age reversal and human longevity has begun.
Will Liz Parrish be the first women and human to duel against death and win?
Will we as a humanity eventually erase death from the human dictionary?
This series of blogs will contain embedded video of her interviews relating to her personal experience with gene therapy. About 4 hours worth of interviews and presentations.
For each video, I will note:
- Juicy info
- Sexy Quotes
- Personal Analysis
Perhaps, such a technology is the beginning of giving humans a chance to experience a within-our-lifetime dimensional shift towards achieving eternity. To experience all history and time, explore of the universe indefinitely, and to discover and master all knowledge, would that be splendid?
Published on Feb 1, 2016
- Speaking at the “Palm Beach Anti-Aging Summit.”
I want to genetically engineer you because I want to make you stronger, faster, more visually accurate, and I want to reverse your aging.”
- Compares the reversal of aging to “updating your operating system.”
- Her company considers biological aging to be the “master disease.” Each of the following diseases is considered the symptoms of aging: frailty, cardiovascular disease, dementia, atherosclerosis, Alzheimer’s Disease, Cancer, Cataracts, Hypertension, Diabetes Type 2, Arthritis, and Nephropathy. Risk of death increases exponentially after the age of sixty-five.
- In 1665, 95% of people died before the age of 35 to infectious disease. As of 2010, 1/3 of people will die from Cancer, 1/3 from heart disease, and 1/3 from organ failure, accidents, dementia, or frailty.
- In 1850, over 25% of the population died at the age of ten. Antibiotics and immunization significantly increased human lifespan.
- Mentions that there is no known “Benjamin Button-like therapy” that will revert someone back to a child, but suggests that it can be possible have cells behave like 15-30-year-old cells indefinitely.
Treating Aging as a Disease BioViva’s Targets:
- Lengthening Telomeres
- Reverse Atherosclerosis (remove plaques that cause heart disease)
- Clear Misfolded Proteins (clean junk that has built up in older cells)
- Remove Senescent cells (Cells that no longer divide. They affect healthy cells by disrupting cell signaling and cause inflammation)
- Strengthen Muscles (“Because I want you to be better than before!”)
- Boost the Immune System (A key to curing cancer)
- Increase Cell Signaling (allow cells to communicate well with each other)
In response to the common notion of “over-population”:
“As lifespan increases, fertility rates go down. It doesn’t matter what religion. It doesn’t matter what corner of the world. It doesn’t matter if your culture will meet their culture and combine. As lifespan increases, fertility rates go down. It’s proven. As a matter of fact, in 2020, we are going to have more people on the Earth over the age of sixty-five than under five years of age. Yeah. And those under five years of age… go on to be your workforce. The people who pay for the medicine you need to take once you retired. I’m going to take all these people over the age of sixty-five and I want to give them the ability to go back to work. To help sustain themselves. Instead of these young people… who at one point there will be 1 to every 100 persons over sixty-five standing over their head.”
- By 2040, it is projected that 35% of the GDP will be spent on healthcare.
- In early human history, people lived and died suddenly of diseases. Current medical intervention can treat a disease and extend life but the quality of health will decrease with aging. Gene Therapy can extend life and increase the overall quality of life and health, even at old age.
So how does gene therapy work?
“People are pretty excited about this because its actually a very non-invasive process. Your cells thinks its pretty invasive… but actually its just a series of injections. So what we do is we find the gene, that target gene that makes you smarter, faster, stronger, more visual accurate, we take that gene and we put it into a vector. In this case, our company uses AAV. It’s a virus. We take out its ability to replicate and we put the gene of interest in. Okay. So it can’t go on to make you sick. As a matter of fact, AAV doesn’t make humans sick. It effects moths. Not humans. And so our bodies don’t recognize it as being a problem. Then it goes into the body, delivers the gene. And what genes do is they make proteins and those proteins make you… Okay. It’s so lovely and simple and sweet. Okay! So all of your cells, your cell walls, what you look like, your hair, all of this is your genes expressing. That’s evolution. So if we add a gene and it makes a new protein, what happens? It changes you.
- Does not like animal testing. Wants human data. One human data is more valuable than eight-thousand mice. Although, because mice do not live very long, a scientist can get data from mice that would take a whole lifetime get comparable human data.
- Field mice live 6-8 months in the wild. Predation is the reason for their shorter lifespan.
- Lab mice live 12-18 months. Doubling occurs from protection from predation, greater food supply, and less stress.
- Lab mice with calorie restriction and optimal exercise live 26-30 months. Massive extension to life is added because of exercise and diet.
- Lab mice treated with gene therapy live 60 months. These are the same mice that did caloric restriction and exercised. Gene Therapy doubled their lifespan from 30 to 60 months.
- BioViva’s AAV Telomere Inducing Gene Therapy will have the effect of age reversal in transduced cells. Mice with dementia were restored to normal after this therapy. In parallel, they want to use the same therapy to solve human Alzheimer’s disease. This therapy is 3000 times stronger than any nutraceutical in the market. Mentions that they recently made history by treating their 1st human subject to solve biological aging. (The name of the subject is not revealed, although deductive reasoning leads me to believe it was her, Liz Parrish. This is confirmed in future videos as she reveals that she is “Patient ZERO”) She mentioned that they used two gene therapies for this “mysterious” subject.
- They want to see what will happen to this subject in the next 12 months and are hoping to see the reversing of aging for the first time in the world.
- BioViva’s AAV Myostatin Inhibitors Gene Therapy will have the effect of increasing muscle mass, stamina and decrease white fat. Has been tested to in humans to treat Sarcopenia and Atherosclerosis. Already in “phase 3” clinical trials to treat muscular dystrophy at Nationwide Children’s Hospital. Safe for children and believes it should be safe for use for patients over sixty-five-year-olds.
- A male subject used the same therapy and studied MRIs of his leg muscles. Before and after MRI comparisons, revealed five months later, that there was muscular restoration in his legs. Increases insulin sensitivity. CT Angiogram of the same patient showed zero atherosclerosis plaques. Possible cure for heart disease.
- Therapy peaked at 8-12 months. Up-regulates VOX3, a gene that they believe is responsible for human longevity. In hamster studies, hamsters with the therapy lived 40% longer than the control group.
- Says her company is very “small” and very “fast”. Took her two years to gather a team of people who would participate in the development and implementation of these gene therapy techniques.
- Looking to patent their own “BioViva’s AAV H-Factor Gene Therapy” which has the effect of improving cell signaling in the brain and tissue regeneration. This therapy is intended to treat ALS and Parkinson’s Disease. (Still don’t understand why people though dumping buckets of ice on their heads would help with ALS) This therapy was injected into the stems cell of a patients brain. These patients were able to talk and walk again, although they reverted back to their diseased state.
- Seeking a grant from the Michael J. Fox Foundation to increase funding for further research. Believes this variation of gene therapy can be a potential cure for ALS and Parkinson’s disease.
- Cured a young male patient who had a monogenic disease with gene therapy. Essentially corrected a single gene in this patient to cure his disease.
“Were building gene therapy to treat aging as a disease and that is our hallmark because we believe this is where real cures will come from. Not from treating symptoms. We’ve spent trillions of dollars on treating symptoms. As a matter of fact, if we’re successful, the US government will save 1 trillion dollars a year. So whoever gets the presidency… they want to save 4 trillion dollars in their presidential term, we’d like them to come talk to us! So we will become leaders in genomic engineering. – Liz Parrish
- Wants gene therapy to be distributed like immunizations and combine enhancement and preventive medicine.
Future Consequences of Gene/Genomic Engineering
- Organ Regeneration (directly from within your body without transplantation)
- Upgraded Immune System (improving this with gene editing can help cure cancer)
- Radiation Resilience and Immunity (NASA has contacted Liz, because they want their astronauts to be better protected from radiation, and help us expand throughout the solar system)
- Better Vision (help broaden the spectrum of what we can see)
- Cosmetic (make skin younger)
- Aging
- Intelligence (tracking down genes for intelligence enhancement. Has their eye on a particular gene)
- Physical Enhancement (Modifying genes to enhance strength and speed)
- Nutritional (There are genes that can help produce Vitamin C from within your body. Allow to you self-generate your own antioxidants. NASA is also interested in this; wants astronauts to be able to create their own nutrients in space)
- Autoimmune Disorders (Cure diabetes type 1, chrones disease, arthritis, before they happen)
- Congenital (cures for children)
Overall Summary of the presentation:
- Change the paradigm of what we consider is normal.
- Symptoms of aging (Cancer, Alzheimers’s, Heart disease etc) are caused by the biological aging.
- We are learning how we can change/reverse the rate at which we age.
- BioViva is working on therapies to do this now.
- Gene therapy offers both preventive/regenerative care.
- New therapies will more than pay for themselves.
BioViva’s Scientific Advisory Board, Top Expert In The Field:
- Dr. Bill Andrews PhD. President and CEO of Sierra Sciences
- Aubrey De Gray PhD. Chief Science Officer and the gerontologist who researched and Co-founded SENS Research Foundation
- Ali Fallah PhD. Molecular medicine and the co-founder and CEO at Mede Bioeconomy
- George Church Professor of Genetics at Harvard Medical School and Director of
- George M. Martin M.D. Professor of Pathology Emeritus (Active) Director Emeritus, Alzheimer Disease Research Center.
- John Schloendorn, PhD. founded Gene And Cell Technologies in 2013 and serves as its Chief Executive Officer.
Published Oct 11, 2015
Dated October 15th 2015 (Live streamed)
- BioViva was created in January of 2015. She formed BioViva with the mission of discovering medical cures for biological aging. Initially got into biotech to find cures for childhood disease. By forming her own company she believed this would be the fastest route to biological age reversal.
- Received private donations within and outside of the US to start the initial offshore tests. She participated in these early tests.
- Wants to aid in the creation of a health care system that provides for a patients needs and especially gives the patient the choice on how the patient wants to be treated.
Certainly, we’re excited. You can’t have a more excited person. I wake up every day. I look in the mirror! I check my eyes! I check my skin! Yeah, I check my waistline! I check everything! And there's no one more excited than me.
– Liz Parrish
- Recently did ultrasound testing to check her arteries and blood work within the city of Seattle.
“I am willing to give everything necessary to find out. And I guess my biggest fear is that we won’t be a success. We won’t have any outcome. That would be a big sadness. But I think that would be okay because we started. And let’s roll for results. Bad or good let's roll for some results so we can these therapeutics online for everyone. As soon as possible.”
- Increase mice lifespan by 20% According to Bill Andrews, the effect would be greater than 20% in humans.
“I got a lot of life expansionist around me and I want to create the world they want. But I wasn’t the person going in that was afraid of death. I would prefer to live. Certainly. But I’m more afraid of not achieving something great in my life. In the sense of I wanna leave something if I have to leave some data behind. Something Interesting for the world. And actually wouldn’t have done this if they thought I was going to die. But its imperative that we change our thinking.”
- Wants young people to push forwards these technologies for their grandparents because of their high risk of mortality. Other implementation would be for genetic screenings and studying the conditions they may have.
- There are many more genes that will be discovered that will help solve biological aging.
I don’t know what will happen to me or in 12 million years…! But I’m kinda okay with that.”
“This was a very calculated decision. And a decision that we felt wade in the favor of me surviving.”
In regards to human growth hormone
And we see a lot of people taking more risks. We see the Hollywood set on human growth hormone. We really don’t know the outcome of that. You put your body to grow and go, other things grow and go as well. Things like cancer and various things like that. And so we see people taking more risks for a quality life. Instead of quantity. We wanna get everyone on the quality and quantity.
“What we talk about is disease mitigation. That’s a good message to the world. So a lot of people can’t agree on radical life extension or immortality. But one thing they can agree with is disease mitigation. Were trying to cure the diseases of old age. We’re trying to reduce suffering. People get that. They get real excited about that. That’s really our message.”
- An L.A. based film crew was present to document the major event. They are looking to pitch her gene therapy as the main subject of a future documentary.
- Works with Max Life Foundations to help raises funds for BioViva that can be supplied for years. Gives 100% donations to BioViva.
Describing what telomeres do:
So telomeres are at the ends of your chromosomes. (a thread-like structure within the nucleus of a cell that stores DNA molecule) As your cells divide they get shorter and shorter. Sometimes when you have your blood tested, you’ll have some longer ones and some shorter ones and that's because the stem cell has divided and you’ve got some younger cells intermix. As they get shorter and shorter, things happen. Epigenetically, you can kind of think of it like a bed. Let's say there's a bunch of springs in the bed. And let's say the cover around the mattress, the cover on the mattress, is the telomeres. And as it gets thin, things start springing out. And once you have one, you’ll probably have ten. What happens is, as those genes epigenetically turn on, we get things like mutations and cancer. Its believed that telomerase keeps that chromosomes nicely packed and everything together. It cleans up everything that's happening on it. And we think that might be why mice in DePinho’s test actually reversed in aging. Both in their brain size, their coat, their skin, and their organs. If this therapy works that well, this would be a potential cure for a myriad of diseases. And not only that, childhood diseases.”
- Length of the telomeres helps scientist gauge how much life you have left.
- Lengthening of the telomeres will help make cells act youthful again. Mitochondria should be able to adjust to the youthful state of the cell.
- Mentions a type of telomere gene therapy that can be turned off, although Liz opted for the permanent version of the treatment.
"The most important currency is time. And how are you going to spend it, after we extend it?" – Liz Parrish
- The Muscle Buildings therapy starts to show results around 4-5 months. They figured that the Telomeres therapy will probably take around the same time. Possibly even 6-8 months because of the difference in the mechanisms of change. Should have a clear view of the results after a solid year.
- Liz became a vegetarian twenty years ago. Mentions a recent study on meat, which specifies that the sugars in meat cannot be broken down by humans and is a possible link to cancer. The same link is also possible with cows milk. Suggests that the perfect diet is limited in sugar, limited somewhat on salt, and limited on animal products.
- Explains that there are certain animal proteins that humans cannot break down, cause inflammation, and therefore cancer. Admits that she is not an expert on the field and mainly switched to a vegetarian diet for ethical reasons. Did not like what animal farming was doing to the planet and the extreme hardship the animals go through.
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