I signed up right when STEEM was going hot. I’m sure you did as well.
I am happy to see that STEEM is still thriving in 2021.
Shadtek, the originator has now become 0MEGA.net!
0MEGA.net is a multi faceted diamond with big plans. These include:
SAPS -Southern Alberta Paranormal Society: Investigations by multiple teams of professionals premiering on STEEM. Coming to dTube, dLive, and many more.
Paranormal Canada - Extension of SAPS game plan.
Cryptocurrency EMERGENCY! We live in the next gold rush. If something goes down, clear net or dark, we will tell you!
BirdNerdDiaries- Calming birds to watch in their element. You never know what is coming. We are proving how smart birds really are!
0MEGA.net’s most important project: REHYDRATE!
3 years of scientific research has shown that most wild birds, and most other animals suffer from severe dehydration. Simply placing water out can save more lives than you can know. COMING VERY SOON! Please, we are not asking for money. Just put out a dish for an animal that needs it.