Dhanesh (Hornbill: English) is known as a strong and long-bitten lipstick. It is a family of Bucerotidae or family birds. Tropical and sub-tropical Africa, the continent of Asia and the Pacific Islands are the main residences of most of the wealth. The main characteristic of the huge lip of the brightly colored trunk is the bottom. Most of the growth on the lip is seen. Wife Dhanesh
Lay the eggs in the quotes. Later, with the help of male corpus, the valiant wealth gives it to the egg and makes the baby bigger. At that time it does not leave the house. Male aristocracy collects food and gives it to the wife's face. This is why the snake keeps the child safe from different food animals. It is always close to the child until the child learns to fly or learn. [1]
Dhanesh is the only bird in the bird's zodiac whose spinal atlas and the first two vertebrae combine together. Probably, this system is necessary to protect the huge lip balance. [2] A number of wealthy species are at risk of extinction, they are declared as endangered species. Most of them are island species.
The distinctive feature of Dhanesh is its long, downward bending lips. This lip is naturally brightly colored. English and scientific names - Beauceras are used at both stages, which arise from Greek language. It means the horn of the cow. They have two layered kidneys or
There are also adrenaline.
As the only bird, the first two neck bones of Dhanesh are mixed with Axis and Atalas. This means that it has been able to keep long and long lips in a more stable position.
[2] Birds of the bird species are known as omnibus.
Starting from eating fruits, small animals are also their main food. They love to stay in pairs. These naturally occurring trees are holes and sometimes they are nested in the holes of the ocean. Many species of riches
Has reached extinction and danger. As a result, most of the smallest number of wealthy birds are forced to stay in small rocks.
There are various species of Dhanesh. Their body structure is also different from the species. Tomorrow weighs only 102 grams (3.6 oz) and 30 cm in length. (1 feet). Again
Southern Ground Hornbill (Bucorvus leadbeateri) weighs around 6.2 kilograms (13.6 lb) and can be 1.2 m (4 ft) in length. [3]
Men's wealth is always bigger than feminine wealth. Due to variations of species and environment, their body structure depends on them. Their physical differences are seen in the process of reproduction. The physical difference between male and female wealth is 1-17%. But the distance between the lip and the wings is 8-30% and 1-21% respectively.
The main attraction of Dhanesh is his strong and heavy lips, which is related to the spinal cord with the support of neck muscles. With this lip, it is possible to deal with hazards, prepare food, prepare homes and prepare hunting activities....The Southern Metro Dhanesh
Subclass Bosecotini
Mass tropicronus (sometimes considered to be of the Tokus mass)
White comb riches Tropicranus albocristatus
Mass Token
Black Dwarf Dhanesh Tockus hartlaubi
Taurus dwarf Tocus camurus
Dhanesh Tondus Monteiri of Mancheiro
Rusty Dhanesh's team
Lotus Dhanesh Torkus erythrorhynchus
Duma Rustic Dhanesh
Tockus damarensis
The southern lumberjack dhanesh
Tockus rufirostris
Tanzania lalishi Dhanesh
Tockus ruahae
Western lumbering wealth Tockus kempi
Pub Holt Dhaniesh Tockus flavirostris
Southern Holi Dhanesh Tockus leucomelas
Jackson Dhanesh Tockus jacksoni
Fon Der Decken's Treasure Tockus Deckeni
Rusty riches Tockus alboterminatus
Bradford Dhanesh Tockus bradfieldi
African Attacks Tockus fasciatus
Hamperk Dhanesh Tockus hemprichii
Taurus Pallidirostris
African statue of wealthy Tocus nasutus
Mass osiseros
Malabar gray wealth Ocyceros griseus
Sri Lanka's gray wealth Ocyceros gingalensis
Indian gray wealth Ocyceros biostris
Mass Anthracoseros
Malabar stained Dhanesh
Anthracoceros coronatus
Udayi Pakhadnesh Anthracoceros albirostris
Black treasures Anthracoceros malayanus
Palan Dhanesh Antracoceros marchei
Sula Dhanesh Anthracoceros montani
Mass buyers
Rhinoceros rhinoceros
Raj Dhanesh Buceros bicornis
Rufus Dhanesh Buceros hydrocorax
Genus Rinoplex
Helmets Rhymes Rhinoplax Vigil
Genus Anorrhinus
Austin's brown dhanesh,
Anorrhinus austeni
Tickle brown dhanesh,
Anorrhinus tickelli
Wild-sunken ancestor Anorrhinus galeritus
Genus Penelopides
Lunation riches penelopides manillae
Dinday Penelopides mindorensis of Mindoro
Visayan Dhanesh Penelopides panini
Samar Dhanesh Penelopides samarensis
Mindanao Dhanesh Penelopides affinis
Sulawesi Dhanesh Penelopides exarhatus
Genus Berenicornis
White crowned wealthy Berenicornis comatus
Genus Aceros
Rufus Necklace Archer Aceros nipalensis
Stacked Dhanesh Aceros corrugatus
Mindanao dharnesh eroded
Aceros leucocephalus
Dhanesh Aceros waldeni with Rufus head
Gul-Basan Dhanesh Aceros cassidix
Genus Rhyticeros (sometimes included in
Feet of Dhanesh Rhyticeros undulatus
Narkondam Dhanesh Rhyticeros narcondami
Sumva Dhanesh Rhyticeros everetti
Plane Pouted Dhanes Rhyticeros Subruficollis
Papuan Dhanesh Rhyticeros plicatus
Genus Ceratogymna
Black helmeted Dhanesh
Ceratogymna atrata
Yellow helmet Dhanesh
Ceratogymna elata
Subfamily Bucorvinae
Genus Bucorvus
Airborne dessert Bucorvus abyssinicus
The Southern Metal Dhanesh Bucorvus leadbeateri
Genus Bycanistes
Treacherous riches Bycanistes bucinator
Patching Dhanesh bycanistes fistulator
Rupali Gulwalla Dhanesh
Bycanistes Brevis
White-black helmeted Dhanesh Bycanistes subcylindricus
Brown chested Dhanesh
Bycanistes cylindricus
Dhubal Urut Dhanesh Bycanistes albotibialis......
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