Simply Photos - Project FeederWatch Week 1

in birdwatching •  5 years ago 

Welcome back. I hope you enjoyed my last post which introduced Project FeederWatch. I also hope that some of you are participating in this worthwhile project.

Week 1 was a great success. I observed 15 bird species which is very good for my area and bird feeders. Normally at the beginning of the season in November (before snowfall), the counts are on the low side. One reason they were higher was the weather. We had an inch or so of snow and cold temperatures which normally increases bird counts.

Enjoy the photos.

MyWatermarkPhoto 56.jpg
European Starling (Juvenile)

MyWatermarkPhoto 53.jpg
Blue Jay

MyWatermarkPhoto 55.jpg
Tufted Titmouse

MyWatermarkPhoto 54.jpg
Mourning Dove and House Sparrows

Thanks for visiting.

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Great! So many cute birdies!

We also have these when we put our feeders up. It's too early still, we must wait until the bears hibernate. That's at least 3 more weeks...