Birth certificate origin

in birthcertificate •  7 years ago 

Anti Oligarch

Origin Of Birth Certificates

Anti Oligarch

4 years ago


The Register Of Births & Deaths ExposedWhat Is This Common Practice Really All About?Origin of Settlement (Birth) Certificates

“Under King Henry VIII of England and his Venetian/Magyar advisers, the first poor laws were promulgated around 1535 coinciding with the first official mandate requiring uniform record keeping by all Church of England parishes of births, deaths and marriages. The poor were considered the responsibility of the “Church” including ensuring they had ample work and did not starve to death as they were considered by default the property of the church.

Under Queen Elizabeth I of England, a set of measures which were introduced which had the effect of accelerating the disenfranchisement of land peasants into landless paupers. Under the Erection of Cottages Act 1588, peasants required local parish permission to erect dwellings whereas before the erection of a dwelling by a land peasant on their lord’s land was considered a “right”. As a result, the ranks of the landless poor, or “paupers” swelled.

Under Queen Elizabeth I of England, the laws concerning the administration and care of the “poor” were refined through the Poor Law (1601) which introduced a basic set of “rights” for the poor as well as the introduction of two “Overseers of the Poor” (Guardian) in each Parish, elected at Easter and funded through the first levy (tax) through local rates (now called “council taxes”) on property owning rate payers.

Under Charles II of England, the concept of “Settlements” as plantations of working poor controlled by the Church of England was further refined through the Settlement Act (1662) and Poor Relief Act (1662) including for the first time the issuance of “Settlement Certificates” equivalent to a “birth certificate, passport and social security” rolled into one document. A child’s birthplace was its place of settlement, unless its mother had a settlement certificate from some other parish stating that the unborn child was included on the certificate. However from the age of 7 upwards the child could have been apprenticed and gained a settlement for itself through called indentured service, or “voluntary slavery”. Also, the child could have obtained a settlement for itself by service by the time it was 16.

Under the “reforms” of the Settlement Act (1662) and Poor Relief Act (1662), no one was allowed to move from town to town without the appropriate “Settlement Certificate”. If a person entered a parish in which he or she did not have official settlement, and seemed likely to become chargeable to the new parish, then an examination would be made by the justices (or parish overseers). From this examination on oath, the justices would determine if that person had the means to sustain himself. The results of the examination were documented in an Examination Paper. As a result of the examination the intruder would then either be allowed to stay, or would be removed by means of what was known as a Removal Order, the origin of the modern equivalent of an “Eviction and Removal Notice” when a sheriff removes people from their home.

According to the various settlement acts from the 17th Century onwards until the introduction of Birth Certificates, the issue of a Settlement Certificate was considered a privilege, not a right. If a peasant wanted to move, the home parish could choose to issue a Settlement Certificate which then effectively became an indemnity insurance to the new parish if the pauper was unable to earn a living. A settlement certificate was only valid if it bore the seals of the overseers of both parishes and that of the local Justices and was not transferable. This is the same model of modern passports for citizens listed as “P” (Paupers or Peons) used today.

Due to the increase in the number of “poor”, in 1723 a new law was passed called the Workhouse Test Act (1723) in which those who wished to claim benefits and relief as poor now had to enter a “workhouse” being essentially a prison for men, women and children to perform some set work. To ensure that all poor were accounted and could be identified, new laws were also introduced to force the Paupers to wear a ‘P’ on their right shoulders as a mark of their status. This is both the origin of the “P” still placed as a mark on modern passports and other “official” documents and the “P” worn by prisoners from the 20th Century.

Beginning in 1773 with the Inclosure Act 1773, followed by the Inclosure Consolidation Act 1801, English Parliament effectively “privatized” massive amounts of common land for the benefit of a few, causing huge numbers of land peasants to become “landless paupers” and therefore in need of parish assistance. The Inclosure Acts are the foundation of Land Title as it is known today.

Because of the deliberate “legal” theft of land under parliamentary Inclosure laws of the late 18th and early 19th Century, the number of paupers dramatically increased. This led to the most awful and cruel laws being introduced to deliver to an elite few, the slave labor force needed for the industrial revolution through the Poor Law Amendment Act (1834) which effectively stated that the poor could not receive any benefit unless they were constantly “employed” in a workhouse prison. Thus, despite international treaties against slavery, the very worst slavery being “wage slavery” or “lawful slavery” was born whereby men, women and children lived in terrible conditions and were worked “to death”.

Beginning in 1834, a number of historic changes were introduced to the record keeping of births, deaths and marriages, the issuance of documents and the management of the “poor”:

(i) In 1834, British Parliament introduced the Poor Law Amendment Act (1834) which reorganized Church of England parishes into unions which would then be responsible for the poor in their area and administered by a Board of Poor Law Guardians, also known as the Board of Guardians. The clerks of Magistrates Courts still hold the power of a Clerk of the Board of Guardians; and

(ii) In 1835, the Municipal Corporations Act (1835) was introduced which effectively standardized the corporate model for towns and boroughs including making the municipality with elected officials responsible for data collection and service administration; and

(iii) In 1836, the Births and Deaths Registration Act (1836) was introduced which for the first time created the General Register Office and the requirement for uniform records of births, deaths and marriages across the Empire by Municipal Councils and Unions of Parishes. Thus on 1 July 1837, the Birth Certificate was formed as the successor of the Settlement Certificate for all “paupers” disenfranchised of their land birthright to be considered lawful (“voluntary”) slaves with benefits provided by the local parish/region underwritten by the Society of Lloyds as it is still today.

Beginning from 1871, further historic changes in the administration of “vital statistics” such as birth certificates and death certificates with the introduction of health districts or “sanitary districts”. The Local Government Act of 1871, Public Health Act 1872 and Public Health Act 1875 created a system of “districts” called Sanitary Districts governed by a Sanitary Authority responsible for various public health matters including mental health legally known as “sanity”. Two types of Sanitary Districts were created being Urban and Rural. While the sanitary districts were “abolished” in 1894 with the Local Government Act of 1894, the administration of the “poor” is still maintained in part under the concept of district health boards of Guardians including magistrates and other “Justices of the Peace”.

Since 1990 under the United Nations and the World Health Organisation (WHO) by the Convention on the Rights of the Child, the system of issuing birth certificates as proof of a man or woman being a permanent member of the underclass has become an international system.

Birth Certificate as proof one is born on the land

One fundamental flaw that remains within the Settlement (Birth) Cerificate System for the Roman Cult and its agents remains the fact that a Settlement Certificate is proof that a man or woman must have been born on the land for the certifiate to have effect, regardless of convoluted subsequent presumptions of what the certificate actually represents. If a man or woman was not born on the land somewhere a certificate could not be issued. Therefore any rejection, or return of a Birth Certificate serves as perfected evidence that a man or woman was born on the land and support to any Affadavit of Truth concerning their immutable rights from the Divine Creator.

This built in “flaw” is offset through the treatment of men and women as land themselves, through the deliberate corruption of the definition of land to include all that has been born naturally or self-improved on the land. In other words, the sharp edge reason the system ultimately denies each citizen their share of the commonwealth is because they are considered “chattle” and mere creatures less than slaves…” Continue reading here.

Excerpt from

Did you know…? by PO (peace out or party organizer)

Did you know that when you register your child at birth they become a slave to the state?

Have you ever noticed that a birth certificate looks just like a money bond? No coincidence there because that’s exactly what it is.
It says openly on the birth certificate that the document is not to be used for identification purposes as it is copyright of the Crown. If the BC was to be used for ID then why can anybody obtain a copy of ‘your’ BC with only very basic information. It is not a birth certificate it is a death certificate
Any ID that you obtain using the birth certificate, immediately makes you a fraud and a criminal. You have to use your BC to obtain a driving license, passport etc as they want to entrap you deliberately.

The BC hands you over as a slave to the Crown or State and a monetary value is then attached to it as a debt. You are literal human money machine and that’s why you work your whole life to pay back the debt. Even if you are self employed you are owned by the Crown. Have you ever wondered why the government treats you like a common slave, that’s because you are.
This is a worldwide phenomenon and every parent has done this un-wittingly to their child, as why wouldn’t you trust your own government!

Every time you give your name over to police etc you are claiming to be something you are not. The name is a fiction and unless you claim to be that name which doesn’t belong to you there is nothing that the state can do as they have no power over the real you. What you need to do is what I and many others have done, and that is to tell them that you now know the fraud and that you re-claim your true self. You can keep the same name if you want but you just need to break the bonds, in principle.
Go to the web site below and complete the document ‘I who shall not be named’. Send it to the Registry Offices and the job is done. Never give your name to anyone in authority and never show ID, this is fraudulently obtained and that’s why they can process you through the legal system. Without the claim to be the name you are a free entity.
I would suggest getting a copy of your BC and writing ‘Proof of Fraud’ on the top and if anyone ever asks your for ID just say ‘here is my birth certificate and do you want to aid and abet me into committing fraud?’

PO (peace out or party organizer)

The Long And The Short Of It

The Long And The Short Of It, an essay by Kate of Gaia

“…We have all been deceived where so few, now becoming the many, are awakened from this long lasting sleep having eaten so hungrily of the apple the witch of Babylon has offered…

…My search was one of a very simple nature in that I had to find the one thing that every human on earth had in common, would take them from cradle to grave in that commonality and, something they would defend to the death for assuring a permanent state of fraud on their part, and no one else’s. The biggest clue was found at the end of their lives and it can be found on the tombstones of the many that never lived in the eyes of the system. It perfectly matched the only document ever offered freely by any church, state or government.
The design of the trap was so perfect in its efficacy, it made us make slaves of ourselves and any attempt to fight for freedom would always result in our own fraud, our own contempt of court and inevitably, our belligerence and circular vengeance. The slavery had to be freely given on our parts and in our ignorance. It had to be something that fed the ego of the belligerents and the coffers of the clergy and all the while, they retained their full honour in universal law standing…

…A slave understands freedom where one who thinks they are free is the most trapped of all….” – Read the full essay, the-long-and-short-of-it.



  1. By forcing, coercing, convincing, threatening and all manner of intimidation etc. Mothers and Fathers to REGISTER their children, YOU are, in FACT, AIDING AND ABETTING all Mothers and Fathers into FRAUD via theirs and your ignorance of the SLAVERY SYSTEM of the CROWN CORPORATION and are GUILTY as such?

  2. That once a child is REGISTERED, the CHILD, by association with that REGISTERED NAME, is assumed and presumed a BOND DEBTOR/SLAVE and is LEGALLY OWNED by the CROWN CORPORATION if that child ever uses that NAME in acts of COMMERCE/IDENTIFICATION?

  3. That because you are, in FACT, also using a CROWN COPYRIGHTED NAME, LEGALLY REGISTERED as such, YOU have “UNCLEAN HANDS” and are GUILTY of FRAUD by using, affixing, claiming etc. a NAME you BELIEVE to be yours when, in FACT, it isn’t and never was yours to use AFTER it was REGISTERED by YOUR parents?

  4. Every REGISTRATION FRAUD you commit knowingly/unknowingly makes you GUILTY of ENTICEMENT INTO SLAVERY, AIDING AND ABETTING ANOTHER INTO FRAUD etc. and renders an innocent child a DEBTSERVANT/BONDSMAN/SLAVE for the rest of their lives or until this FRAUDULENT ACT is reversed?

  5. By claiming YOUR NAME as yours you are GUILTY of FALSE IMPERSONATION and even more so if you claim any/all TITLES/OFFICES (MR./MRS./CLERK/HEAD NURSE/REGISTRAR etc.) with any/all IDENTIFICATION that creates JOINDER with the NAME you do NOT own/have any rights to?

  6. Any/All use of IDENTIFICATION created from the BIRTH CERTIFICATE renders any/all users of that CROWN COPYRIGHTED PROPERTY/NAME guilty of FRAUD/FALSE IMPERSONATION from the instant that NAME is REGISTERED until DEATH/FRAUD REVEALED?


  8. That YOU, are inflicting a lifetime of SERVITUDE upon all children/people YOU REGISTER whereupon a BOND is created, typically in the range of ONE MILLION dollars, creating the DEBT against the life and PERFORMANCE (BOND) of the one that is REGISTERED and whereupon ALL MONEY is thereby created?

  9. You are an enabler of a SLAVE SYSTEM OF HUMANITY and are GUILTY with every child you REGISTER (to rule, divine feminine creation translated) whereupon the true G.I.F.T. (Gamete Intra-Fallopian Transfer) given up is the very life essence of the one being REGISTERED where the GUILT is maximized with any/all coercion, intimidation, threats, deception etc. YOU attempt to enforce REGISTRATION against any/all beings who do not wish to REGISTER their children?

Look in the mirror and see the criminal that you are, whether you knew this or not but now that you do, you have a choice. You can continue to commit these CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY for some filthy lucre called money upon which a souls’ value is placed or you can begin to heal these FRAUDS VIA DECEPTIOS by waking up to this very real situation. You, and all people with REGISTERED NAMES are PROPERTY OF THE CROWN CORPORATION/BONDSERVANT/SERVITUDE SLAVE and it would be in the interest of all parties concerned with the exception of any/all TEMPLE BAR MEMBERS (BRITISH ACCREDITED REGISTRY) AGENTS OF THE CITY OF LONDON, STATE who are the ones that created and profit from the SERVITUDE of a system they created and YOU AID AND ABET the FRAUDS to uphold it. You can research these facts for yourself because I know you will find it difficult to comprehend the magnitude of your crimes every time you REGISTER a child. As a first step, go and try to procure ANY/ALL GOVERNMENT IDENTIFICATION without a BIRTH CERTIFICATE. Typically, a passport is the best start whereupon all other forms of IDENTIFICATION need a GOVERNMENT ISSUED I.D. Given that the BIRTH CERTIFICATE is NOT to be used for identification purposes and is, in fact, a CRIME to do so, you may begin here to ask yourself why? For further information on this please feel free to visit my website and pop by the “kate’s writings” page. Now you know and are fully obligated to act upon truth because to do otherwise only proves your fraudulent programmed nature. Have a nice day!

For more information about Kate of Gaia, please go here:


The Birth Certificate ExplainedSeptember 28, 2013kateofgaiatruth 4 Comments

Click anywhere on the image to view the larger version.

With heartfelt thanks to Christopher for creating this image.


Categories: Big Brother, Child Abuse, Economy, Elite, Eugenics

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