CBC Pushing for Men To Get Sterilized

in birthcontrol •  5 years ago 



It’s no shock that the author quickly edited the title of this article. Not before I snapped a photo of it though lol.

Well hello dear friends! Prepared to laugh and learn with me today? Alright good!

Oh boy, there sure is a lot of talk about human reproduction lately. Really dialing up on this hot button issue. You must understand that it’s all completely manufactured right? All created to get you fighting and divided, and of course prevent and kill potential human beings. Depopulation is happening folks. It’s been at the top of their agendas for a long long time.

It’s finally working, people are dumber than ever. Eating up their entertainment mind control. Ignoring all their biological desires, substituting them for things like pets (babie) and selfies (family photos).

They’ve convinced the younger generation that reproduction is a repercussion of sex and not the purpose. Is sex only about making babies? No, of course not. However, it is certainly the main component and absolutely vital to our survival as a species.

Well, the new world order has other plans for human reproduction. No humans required. Enough about that for the time being. I’ll link to a post that goes into greater depth on this. For now I wish to make fun of this idiot and their stupid piece of propaganda.

Oh, Brave New Science: Same-Sex Mouse Parents Give Birth Via Gene-Editing


Okay, well for one thing, a vasectomy is not a birth control, It’s sterilization. Albeit it’s reversible sterilization, but it’s still sterilization. It still requires a medical procedure to reverse it.

Second, I think most men make the choice to get a vasectomy themselves. It doesn’t make you a feminist. That’s just a call to politicize a personal medical choice. Did you know that a hysterectomy is the second most common surgery in the US. Are these women all anti-feminists by contrast?


Ever heard of a condom buddy? 😆 or maybe pulling out? Pulling out along with calendar method it quite effective.

Birth Control is not tricky unless you’re an idiot. I mean, being able to control yourself and have some sense. That’s how you control of your own fertility. Getting a doctor to snip you (like a dog), doing away with it is not control. You just put your fertility in the hands o authority. That makes you a bitch to the state. Imagine at anytime, they just decide to take away your ability to get the surgery reversed, what then?

Don’t think it could happen. Why not? They could easily slip it in on a bill, distract the masses with America’s next mass shooting and bam! You are screwed (pun not intended).

I’ve been pressured many times into getting vasectomy myself. To be honest, I have a phobia of genital mutilation. So any cutting down there is out of the question. It’s also for the very reason I already mentioned. I don’t trust them.


Aww, he let you do things. That’s so sweet, that makes him feminist now. Be honest, after you “attempted” to fix the furnace, did he take over and actually fix it? Or did neither of you know what the fuck you were doing? I’m thinking the latter.

Contrary to what you are trying to say here. I think a lot of couples these days, share responsibilities around the house, It would be silly not to. Getting a vasectomy isn’t the tipping point on the scale for supporting your wife. I don’t want to do it and I certainly do not want or expect my spouse to get a hysterectomy. HELL NO! I mean, it’s her choice, I certainly would not expect her to, or try to push her in that direction.



I feel like this woman wants a gold star for having a partner who wants to be a part of the family too. lol congratulations lady! Sounds like your kids get a lot of one parent at a time and not nearly enough of both parents together. Sounds awesome for those kids! 👍



Ironically, you write an article painting a vasectomy as a pink or blue issue. Because if you don’t get a vasectomy, you’re clearly a anti-feminist pig right? Good job! 👏 DEATH TO THE PATRIARCHY!


What do you mean “if they decide to share their lives with someone” are you expecting them to grow up to be asexuals weirdos or something?

Honest lady, it sounds like you want your girl to work in a glass tower and your boy to be a stay at home parent. You are just reversing these supposed roles.



That’s just it Natalie. You are the one dictating gender roles. You’re here telling us that your husband is a feminist because he made a choice for himself and helps out around the house. Instead of just being equal and not making it about gender roles, you are pointing it out, making a big fucking deal out of nothing!

If your husband we’re really a feminist, he would of said forget the vasectomy and got a vagina instead. Make it a truly even playing field. Whaddiya say?

This Is CBC (Canadian Brainwashing Corportion) garbage propaganda. CONGRATULATIONS Natalie! You’re a tool!

VenomnymouS Out!


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I think the push is crazy - and as you said, very depopulationist.

However, I will just point out that it's generally considered that pre-cum is very full of sperm in a fertile man and pulling out/withdrawal is a poor way to avoid pregnancy.

The calendar is only partly useful - it needs to be used with a full understanding of female fertility. Of course, the female hormone cycle is another factor that can take on a mind of its own along with the more controversial topic of pheromones.

Yes, this is true. However the combination of withdrawal and calendar method makes for a pretty good defense. Has for me for many years. It’s a lot easier to track the female cycle with apps though sometimes the body will try to toss a curve ball. Worst case scenario you have a baby lol

Hehehe. Yep.
I have a range of thoughts and theories regarding fertility, based on personal observation, of course. I try to not get myself into too much trouble though. I actually don't enjoy boat-rocking at the best of times.