Splitting the coins went easy. Here's How.steemCreated with Sketch.

in bitcoin-cash •  8 years ago 

So my approach to the fork was to use the Bitcoin Core 64 bit for Windows 10. So After the last article... and being the douchebag on bittrex who bought BCC after the fork at like... .145 or something stupid... and then reselling it for like ... .108... was super sad... lol... but I was only dealing with a few bucks there. Anyway, I had the rest in my private local wallet ready to manually split.
First step was to send the bitcoins away like normal. All the exchanges are not taking deposits so i opted for the good ol' Jaxx Wallet. I sent the BTC away, and went for coffee, checked on the kids, let the dog out. Then after an unreasonable amount of time later, you can verify that is in your Jaxx Wallet. Next step is to shutdown the program. I realize we have not backed up the .dat wallet file yet. If you have not done that, And it is probably only necessary if you have a problem(ALWAYS BACK UP YOUR WALLETS HOLY COW), but not necessary to this process.
Next step is to cruise over to bitcoinabc.org and pick up the latest release for your ride. Download that, unzip it. Check out the bin folder. There are many options for use, but I used the bitcoin-qt engine.

The next step is tricky. When you see your account, verify that the coins are in BCC. Good. You will notice the transaction to Jaxx has left you penniless. But, upon closer inspection, the transaction won't verify. Good. Go to your transactions list, and notice the pending transaction to Jaxx. This is the point to right click on that no good transaction and tells the system not to worry about that. Upon switching back to your overview, the coins that you decided against sending to Jaxx are now available to send off to... ... ............. basically each other for now. Hopefully the exchanges open up the transfer for sales, but for now, you are done with the exercise. Good.

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