ידעתי שמדובר בבועה כשהמטבע SBD עלה משוויו המוערך 1$ ל-15.5$.
לא מדובר בבועה קלאסית !
כוונתנו היא שהמון כסף טיפש ניכנס, אף אחד לא יודע מה המשמעות של SBD (סטים דולר) שאמור להיות שווה דולר ו ואנשים מוכנים לשלם עליו 14-17 $(רוב המסחר אגב בקוריאה הדרומית).
בואו ננחם אתכם קצת, אני הייתי שם גם כשהמטבע ירד פי 14-15-16 ממחירו , הייתי שם כשMTGOX קרסה. אבל יש משהו שמנסים לגרום לנו לשכוח בעקבות הפאניקה.(חח תהיו רגועים אף אחד לא מת)
שיש פה משהו מאחורי המטבעות הדיגיטליים.
אנשים עונים לי " כן אבל ממשלות יכולות ללחוץ בצורה חוקית על המטבעות הדיגיטליים והם יעלמו"
מישהו פעם ניסה להעלים אתר אינטרנט? לא מטבע דיגיטלי שמבוזר בהרבה מאתר אינטרנט וכמעט בלתי אפשרי להעלים אותו...
אני יודע שזיר"ה ניסתה להפיל את האתר "sdarot" שגונב זכויות יוצרים ופשוט לא הצליח.
אני אסביר משהו , באתר "סדרות" מדובר על קבוצה של אנשים עם DATA שכנראה מגובה , ולא מצליחים להפיל אותם! הם פשוט פועלים ממקומות אחרים, במחתרת , האתר לא רק שפועל אלא משגשג וכמות הצופים עולה ועולה, אני לא מעודד פעילות פיראטיתשגונבת זכויות יוצרים אבל אנחנו רק מראים דוגמה כמה קשה להפיל משהו מרוכז שנמצא על רשת האינטרנט!
עכשו בא נחשוב, אם מדינה תרצה להפיל את הביטקוין. אתם יודעים מה צריך לקרות?
צריך קודם כל למחוק את כל הבלוקצ'יין מכל המחשבים שמחזיקים אותו, להפסיק את כל חוות הכרייה בעולם וגם זה לא יספיק ונגיד שיעשו את כל מה שנדרש, יש עוד אלפי מטבעות אחרים שיכולים להחליף את הביטקוין ברגע שמישהו "יצליח" להפיל אותו (נגיד שתאורטית כל הדברים האלה קרו).
מה התוצאה? הבנקים ביזבזו מילארדי דולרים לשווא :) (אם נגיד שכולם מכרו להם את הביטקוין שלהם ולא עשו HODL)
מישהו פעם אמר לי , "הבנקים ייקנו את כל הביטקוין ואז הוא ייגמר"
חשבתי על זה וקצת פחדתי אבל אז הבנתי, נגיד שהם ייקנו את כל הביטקוין שהם יכולים , דבר ראשון המחיר יעלה פלאים (הם יצטרכו המון כסף ) הדבר השני הוא שהם יישארו עם מוצר דיגיטלי שלא שווה כלום
והדבר השלישי הוא שבעצם יקום מטבע חדש.
תבינו , אי אפשר לעצור את ביטקוין כמו שאי אפשר לעצור את UTORRENT או את האינטרנט או אתר שרוצה להיות פעיל.
אחרת, כבר היו עוצרים את זה, הבנקים בסופו של דבר יצטרכו לדעת איך מתמודדים עם זה. כל מה שנשאר להם לעשות זה לעכב ולזרוע פחד.
מי שמבין באמת מה זה ביטקוין לא אמור להבהל.
הבנקים מנצלים את הנאיביות של האנשים שמחזיקים ברוב הכסף בעולם (המבוגרים שפחות בקיאים בטכנולוגיות מיחשוב ) בעולם הטכנולוגי הזה כדי לעכב את התופעה (שגם ככה הטכנולוגיה לא בשלה ) .
בהצלחה! בלי פאניקה
חשוב להדגיש שאם המחיר של ביטקוין יותר מידי מנופח כרגע חובה להזהר מכיוון שרשת הברק (lighting network) עדיין לא פועלת באופן רוחבי ולכן אי אפשר לנהל עם ביטקוין תשלומי עמית לעמית עולמיים
I know that the majority here are new to the Crypto world and the descent create pressure. The truth is that I was actually stressed that Bitcoin crossed the 10,000 line
Why? Because the money involved was mainly from the East, mainly South Korean, huge trading volumes of the country's most biting country (it's scientific).
I knew the progress was too fast but in such a world - you know! Maybe there is something that happens behind the scenes that justifies the price, from the eye to the eye - there was not ...
I knew it was a bubble when the SBD currency rose from its estimated value of $ 1 to $ 15.5.
Of course, there is the technology behind all these things!
What I mean is that a lot of stupid money goes in, nobody knows what the meaning of the SBD is supposed to be worth a dollar and people are willing to pay $ 14-17 for it, the only function that is used is convert to Steem always at $ 1.
Let's console you a bit, I was there even when the currency Bitcoin fell 14-15-15 times its price, I was there when MTGOX collapsed. But there's something trying to make us forget about the panic.
That there's something behind the digital coins.
People answer me "Yes, but governments can legitimately press digital currencies and they will disappear"
Has anyone ever tried to hide a website? Not a digital currency that is much different from a Web site and almost impossible to hide / destroy ...
I know that Zira (a copyright organization in Israel) tried to topple the site "sdarot" that stole copyright and simply did not succeed.
I will explain something, on the site "Sdarot" This is about a group of people with data apparently backed, and fail to overthrow them even after the court ruled that they are criminals! They just operate from other places, underground, the site not only works but thrives and the number of viewers rises and rises, I do not encourage piracy activity that cheats copyright but I just show an example of how hard it is to bring down something concentrated on the Internet!
Now let's think, If a country wants to overthrow the Bitcoin. Do you know what should happen?
First you have to delete all the blockchain from all the computers that hold it, stop all the mining farms in the world, and it will not be enough to say that they will do what it takes. There are thousands of other coins that can replace the Bitcoin once someone "succeeds" in dropping it.
Someone once told me, "Banks will buy all the Bitcoin and then it will end"
I thought about it and I was a little scared but then I understood, say they'll buy all the Bitcoin they can, first the price will go up wonderfully (they'll need a lot of money)
And the third thing is that a new coin will be created.
You see, you can not stop Bitcoin just as you can not stop UTORRENT or the Internet or a site that wants to be active.
Otherwise, they would have stopped it, the banks would eventually have to know how to deal with it. All they have to do is to delay and sow fear on peoples.
Anyone who really understands what Bitcoin is not supposed to be afraid of.
The banks are taking advantage of the naivety of the people who hold most of the money in the world (the older ones who are less proficient in computer technologies) in this technological world, in order to delay the phenomenon (the technology is not ripe anyway).
Do not panic.
It is important to emphasize that if the price of Bitcoin is too inflated at present, it is necessary to be careful because the lighting network is not yet operating horizontally, so there is no justification for the price because Bitcoin can not yet be used by most of the public
It’s tough to know how long this down-phase will last. My best guess is until May. That’s when we’ll have the big industry conference called Consensus.
The Consensus conference has typically been a period when we’ve seen a lot of new big money enter the space. In the coming days, I’ll go into what I think will be a big announcement at Consensus that will drive the crypto market’s next up-phase.
For now, be patient with the market. And remember how the tech space acted between 1990–2000. Every pullback&—no matter how steep or how long&—was followed by higher highs. I expect the same to be true in cryptos for many years to come.
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I agree @amiramnoam I as well have been following this since the start and knew at the moment I first heard about it that it was a very disruptive technology and used wisely can have great benefit for humanity at large. This year it will surely become obvious for more people and I will make my best to spread the idea whose time has finally come far and wide...
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it will, and we really don't have to tell people about it, because it doesn't matter what we do, the word will get out, it is only natural; but we do have to work on it and help thr community grow. Same goes for the steem community!
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I feel so empowered with this knowledge and with great power comes great responsibility....I will make sure to do my part!;)
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Good post the price at $20,000 bit coin was crazy I have just followed you follow me as well thanks
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Apparently comprehensive analysis of Bitcoin price with full of information. Thanks brother for sharing this with us.
This analysis is far better than other self-certified crypto analysts.
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Yes you are right @jatinhota
Over fluctuation made a panic among bitcoin holders.
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thanks my friend :):)
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hmm yea
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Coins mentioned in post:
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כתבתי תגובה ארוכה ומושקעת וביזי היה תקול ופשוט לא שלח אותה 😓
אז אאמלק ואשאל שאלה:
אני הכי חושש מזה שמדינות וחברות גדולות יכולות להגביל את השימוש היום יומי הקריפטו, למשל לאסור על תשלום במכולת עם קריפטו ומה שהיה לאחרונה עם הסגירה של שירותי האשראי על ידי ויזה ומאסטרכרד - אם לא תהיה שימושיות יום יומית למטבעות תהיה בעיה לגרום לחדירה באמת משמעותית לשוק. גם אם המצב יהיה שניתן יהיה להשתמש אבל זה יהיה קשה - הרבה מאוד אנשים יירתעו.
אני אסייג שנראה לי שהכיוון הוא רק לעשות רגולציה ברוב המדינות בטווח הארוך ולא לאסור לחלוטין.
מה אתה חושב על זה?
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That indeed is very true; also, bitcoin is here to stay. Before 2016 it was actually only used in the deep web because it was anonymous(I know it was used outside as well, but was not as popular as it was in the deep web). Cryptocurrency are still their baby age, they are new and people are still learning about them, even our government today not truly understands what bitcoin is, and day by day it is getting more popular, because I remember, when i first joined the cryptocurrency (bitcoin) community in early 2014, no one actually knew what it is. People will learn more about cryptocurrency(maybe not bitcoin, maybe it will actually die, but cryptocurrency won't, it is the future) and as they do it will get more stable and the prices will shoot up far in the sky!
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We have the future in our faces, i mean all cryptos are changing the way how we make transactions and that's the real power of this technology. Regards
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Very interesting and helpful postings, especially beginners like me. If possible, I want to absorb knowledge from you from my friends. thank you very much for that all.
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Bitcoin is here to stay along with Ethereum and others. The blockchain and smart contract technology is here to stay. You cannot stop progress. It’s a runaway freight train that is best to get on board.
As far as getting burned that is a matter of perspective. What is most likely coming:
Like any other industry cryptocurrencies will produce millionaires, start up companies like exchanges, consultants, etc. Where you fit in this free money party depends upon what you do and how you do it. There should be plenty of opportunities to profit from the Cryptocurrency Gold Rush for those who have a plan and can use sound logic to invest or trade.
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a good post and can be a motivation. I am very sad to see Bitcoin continues to decline every day. Will Bitcoin end in a sadness?
If that's the case, very many people in the world are losing their jobs. thank you @amiramnoam
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Nice to see this post.realy good.
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effective post.......i like your every post.......@amiramnoam
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Nice post beautiful presented and explained. detail oriented with nice bitcoin writing & cryptocurrency information. thank you for sharing by @amiramnoam
i am waiting your next post mem
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To everyone: This is the best time to buy bitcoins and other cryptos, you wont get better chance in a while! Do not sell them! Buy and hold!
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Thanx @amiramnoam your analysis are far better than the selfie analysis experts.
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this is something new to me!!!!!!!!!
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Excellent information of bitcon, nice post, thanks for sharing
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wow.... you sharing a great thinking post about bitcoin.... i like to read your post best of luck...
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very nice job ..
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Thanks for sharing great post
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amazing post and useful bitcoin information☺
thanks for sharing
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To stop Bitcoin is not possible I agree but the issue is that govt might try to make it illegal and then arresting guys who deal in it.
Also, the other issue is that they won’t allow the conversion of bitcoin in fiat by stopping the exchanges like unocoin etc to transfer money into banks. How to overcome this doubt ? 🤔
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very usedful post....... thanks for sharing.a blog...@amiramnoam
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Not panicking is my new watchword
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agree, sir. most banks have stopped buying bitcoins. they can not get out of it and it is not a money that will easily end. there will be continuous reaction. nice post thanks
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Indeed, if the governments would be able to stop bitcoin and all crypto currencies they would've already done it long ago. All the can do is talk big and make some stupid regulations in hopes that people will fear them.
While the fear tactics might cause some prices going down in the short term, cryptos are here to stay and the governments won't stop it no matter what.
They can only stall the process, as they are trying to do right now. If banks would decide to buy all bitcoins, I think they would run out of money soon LOL. Cuz the prices would go up like crazy, plus there are thousands of other cryptos, so would they buy all of them as well? The less supply there would be, the higher the price...
I'm not worried about this at all, because I'm 100% sure everything will be alright in the end.
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nice post. love to read your post..
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Wow, very valuable post, thanks for it. You make me reassurance and it makes sense.
Thank you for sharing your opinion with us.
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You lured me in with English then hit me with something I can't understand. Then you got me back engaged with good old English. I need to learn more languages.
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לאתר סדרות יש ביצים חח. כל פעם מנסים לסגור אותם והם באים עם דומיין חדש
ובנוגע לביטקוין, אני מסכים איתך, כשהביטקוין היה על 5,900 דולר, אתמול, לא רק שידעתי שהמחיר יחזור לקדמותו, זה גם לא הלחיץ אותי בכלל.
הלוואי והיה לי פיאט פנוי לקנות ביטקוין, כי הייתי עושה את זה.
אחלה כתבה, אהבתי, תודה
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This is a great deal of encouragement for we the newbies. With contents like yours people will the more be emboldened to hold on to their coins.
I like this line the most
"I will explain something, on the site "Sdarot" This is about a group of people with data apparently backed, and fail to overthrow them even after the court ruled that they are criminals! They just operate from other places, underground, the site not only works but thrives and the number of viewers rises and rises, I do not encourage piracy activity that cheats copyright but I just show an example of how hard it is to bring down something concentrated on the Internet!"
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I also heard that someone wanted to stop Bitcoin.
whether this will happen! I am worried what will happen.
Banks take advantage of the naivete of the people who hold most of the money in the world will be fatal. thanks. Your information and suggestions help me. avote me yes
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bitcoin is playing with us for the all time.
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The best time to buy bitcoin in my opinion.
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Very yes
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Bitcoin and other Cryptocurrencies are the future and if government do anything to make them illegal then it will cause harm to the development of mankind,very well explanation buddy😇😇
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I have a fair understanding about the Crypto space now Noam but it is scary when there is so much of a swing. I am only hoping that some stability comes back.
I understand that Bitcoin is here to stay and there is so much threat of this to the governments that they are doing their best whatever they can to spread fear in people about the acceptance and usage of bitcoins, but as more and more people get aware of it and get into the crypto space they will have to give in somewhere. Lets see what the future holds but yes these swings will be there every couple of years in a cycle coming forward so one needs to stay strong during these times and not panic
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@amiramnoam. Do you mind if I post a translation of this in Korean as long as I provide proper reference to you the creator?
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Let the weak hands be weak. You only lose if you sell!!! Buy at the right time. The government is on our side and even Warren Buffet is coming around with a possible blockchain adoption for his railway company. Panic sellers should not be involved in crypto and deserve to lose their FIAT! They are uninformed and are inpatient...watch for news and announcements.
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Yes, very well explained about bitcoin and specially about SBD. It is pegged to US $ and we must understand that it is designed for stability in payout so its current hike is temporary and would settle around US $.
Thanks for such an illustrative article.
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The price skyrocketed way too quickly and this dip was quite necessary and a healthy thing to build a strong support. The market is filled with "dumb" money that gets too excited and panics very quickly with price movements. The technology is amazing and will thrive. It may not be bitcoin or ethereum but something that hasn't even been developed yet (it is that early!) but as you said it is out there and can't really be stopped.. you have to stop the internet itself and no one is doing that.
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Hi.. Your point of view is strong enough to hit my mind.. It increase my beleve in cryptoes.. Thanx for sharing
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Upvote panic!! Upvote me to join:P
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Leaving comments asking for votes, follows, or other self promotional messages could be seen as spam.
Your Reputation Could be a Tasty Snack with the Wrong Comment!
Thank You! ⚜
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Brother Blockchain, Cryptocurrencies are an innovation people can resist but no body can stop this innovation, now bitcoin is not single blockchain based currency thousands of blockchain base currencies are working and available in stocks so NOW IT IS IMPOSSIBLE, governments can make regulations but not able to stop this innovation,
But you discuss a valid point so i Resteem your post
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Please you vote me
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