Earn extra income of PHP 3,900.00/month or $77 by Bitcoin Mining?

in bitcoin •  7 years ago  (edited)

Hi! If you already heard about Bitcoin Mining and have a Bitcoin wallet, then read carefully on how to earn more.

One way to earn bitcoins or BTC  is by bitcoin mining.

In the Philippines, bitcoin mining is not much profitable because of the slow internet speed. However, there is one site that gives 0.00000040 BTC per minute or 0.0006BTC per day for free. And if upgraded, 1 BTC per day!!!

As of now, 

          1 BTC = PHP 217,452.97 or $4274.99. 

To break it down, 

          0.0006 BTC = PHP 130.53/day or 2.56. 

So for a month, you can get a minimum of 

         0.018 BTC = PHP 3915.98/month or $76.95.

Interested?? Click this link: https://bitminer.io/2735057 and sign up :)

How it works?


  1. Click the link above and you will  be directed to this website.
  2. Copy your Bitcoin Wallet Address and Paste it on the white box.
  3. No bitcoin wallet yet? Create your bitcoin wallet here: https://blockchain.info/wallet/#/
  4. After pasting your wallet address, you can now start mining!!
  5. Now, let your PC do the work while you can relax :D

Easy right? Don't forget to use the link https://bitminer.io/2735057 ^.^

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Thanks for the info!